It was SO funny at Lunch!For the past couple of days, I have found A complete Diana Vickers Look-a-like!!! She has the exact same hair, and she goes to my school! - (Bullers Wood). Me, Carryn & Grace were all sitting together, and for the past few days Carryn and Grace had been in hysterics because whenever this Diana Vickers Look-a-like went past me I screamed out "Diana, Diana, I am your BIGGEST EVER faan! Over here, Diana Vickers!"
I never ever get embaressed when I scream out publicly, who cares if I appear MaD? It shows I'm awesommme! So Anyways, this luch, "Diana Vickers" Was sitting a row in front of me, so I had a perfect view of her hair. Just for looking like Diana I wanted her autograph, so this time I screeched as loud as I could;
"Diannnnnnnaaaaaaa!" Guess what! She heard meeeeee! She turned round, and Grace & Carryn were laughing there heads off, embaressed, and even more embaressed when I screamed when "Diana Vickers" looked at me. She had no idea what i was on about, but at the end - when I was set to leave the dining hall - I screeched before I ran away - "I need your autograph!" LOL LOL LOL. I am so finding her tommorrow.
rainbow braces......
Today I also had an orthidontist appointment to get train tracks. I used to have retainers but thank God I don't have to wear them now, as I got teased At my current school for clacking them together. My dentist, Dr. Abrie is actually really nice. He dosen't poke you with that sharp dentist tool thingy, and what I like most is He jokes a lot. He kept my mind off getting those disgusting wires on my teeth, bringing up interesting chatter. He's been my orthidontist for about a year now. Anyways, apparently - I was the first person in the actual orthidontist to get a new type of brace that had just come out! It didn't really hurt, but I kept producing loads
of salivia (ugh) throughout the appointment when they put a plasticky thingy down your mouth. It took a whole hour to get them fixed in!!!!!!!!!!!! They had to put greenish jelly, then poke my teeth with a stick, then put cotton between, then get an orangey machiny thingy, then repeat this....it went on forever. >>>>(Rewind forward, it would be SO boring if you read all the details of them fixing my brace) >>>Then, I stepped out of the dentist bed thing, and looked in the tooth-shaped mirror. They looked quite good. Not so bad as expected. And you can talk in train tracks, and in retainers you can't. PLUS - they are r a i n b o w coloured!

Road Curses.........................
Hmm, you know what? Actually, I'm not gonna talk about this subject. Its too depressing. Basically, recently in Chislehurst Woodland areas there have been a lot of car accidents. Okay, I won't go into it - too sad :( but :
1. One girl who went to my old school, her brother got run over on Elmstead Glade, Chislehurst.
2. Near Chislehurst, my mum's friends' friend commited suicide and threw herself of a bridge.
3. I saw a bunch of flowers, a cross, and notes, ect. on Chislehurst Road.
4. Today, I saw people with their heads bent, near a lampost which had flowers tied to it - and 2 HUGE Arsenal flags and written on it 'R.I.P Jay'. And it had a signpost with 'fatal collision witnesses contact Police.
Notice these incedents are all in chislehurst? Maybe there's a taboo in Chislehurst woods or something, maybe a long time ago someone died and just like, it turned into like a 'curse' but not a curse exactly, ya'see what I mean?????????
I doubt that it's a taboo, but that really is unfortunate. It's gotta be freaky living out there with all that. Maybe they should get some more laws up for those roads......