Today, I just think I'll share a few topics with you that may come of interest to you.
Firstly: Today at 9:45 approx I logged on to my sky account. It notifies me if there is any breaking news or something by clicking n the 'news' tab. And there, was a huge banner saying 'breaking news' with a huge picture of Prince Harry. What on earth? I muttered to myself. I then read it and then found whilst he was doing some work with some troops he had been racist to a Packistani Soldier. I don't know quite what to make of this news. A prince - Royalty, making racist comments?? It probably isn't giving the Queen a complete pleasure to see her Grandson on the newspaper headlines about racism.........
And now, About games for Wii and Nintendo Ds like Brain Training and Wii fit. The other day whilst at my two-half brothers house (One is 28, the other 26, I never argue with them suprisingly and they are really cool and always look out for me..Love you Ed and Jay!) They had a Wii so I did Wii fit and it told me in order to find whether I was obese, fat, normal or underweight, I should stand on the balance board. I did. Meanwhile, in order to measure this, my brother put my height in. He took a guess and put '5' in (No waay! Nowhere near it!) and then, it said I was obeseeee!!!! I was so offended! I am now never using the Wii fit! How dare it call me obese! My brother laughed his head off and said he would tell e v e r y o n e
it turns out its because he put the wrong height in but It was funny because my mii character went large to demonstrate then blew up! But i do ♥ games like Brain training for Ds, because they're educational. And so far, I'm doing quite well, apart from the fact it told me my Brain age is 80............................
Last but not least, lets make ourselves a nice Hot cup Of cocoa, and would you like cookies? Yes, now while we munch and nibble, lets discuss...hmm.......Oh my gosh! For the first time ever..I actually can't think what to talk about! Oh, oh, no worries! I've remembered...my writing! I write stories with my good friend Nadia, but a few individually. Individually I am writing a book about a performing arts (singing, acting, dancing) boarding school called Bailefall. The main character is Kelsey and she has many adventures in this modern boarding school. As for the rest........wait until you can buy it in waterstones ;) (Btw, me and Nadia are sending our books to publishers)
Love, ....♥ PrincessWOWness..♥
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