Yesterday was so awesomely, incredibly fun!!
We were going to see 'Hotel for dogs' at the cinema, but it turned out the website's timetable was wrong :(
So we rushed to another cinema, and they didn't have it on at that time either, so we asked what other films they had and yaaaaaaay! We went to see Confessions of a Shopaholic! It was sooo good and it was really funny and witty (and incredibly girlie) and even dad (Poor him - listening to stuff all about lipgloss and perfume) Actually admitted to finding it very funny. I loved it, and I especially loved the part where she was fighting over these Guchi boots with this other girl and then the girl said "Look, there's some Burberry over there!" and she turned round and then The main character took the Guchi and then they fought again and the whole clothing rack fell on her! Also the bit she was dancing with the fan and the time all the models in the shop clapped her. It was so fun, and we had nice salt popcorn and all the time I was watching, and I could totally put myself in the character's shoes, as we girls are a bit of shop-a-holics, aren't we girl readers?! I had a lovely time and I was sad to go, but that was a truly great movie, and after dad took me to his store (Sleepmasters) because he needed to go to do some paperwork. Whilst he was doing paperwork, I tested all the beds, and I loved the sensafoam ones, and the memory pillow which is very comfy. There was a waterbed that I loved, but unfortunately it is been sold. We got back quite late, but, this is the 78th time I've said this, I LOVED THAT MOVIEE!

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