Recently, I have been working on a personal project. I have made a special folder (Thanks to my crafting new talent!) and inside, Is everything I plan to do when I'm older. Planning from I'll have a farm, a beagle called Polie and a black labrador called winslet, everything in my fridge, even magazine cuttings of what my living room will look like. The main thing is there's an ambition list in the folder, and I've written all my ambitions. I promise myself I will keep the folder 'till I'm an adult, and tick every single one off hopefully. Anyway, I intend to be an author of great class and elegance. And what lady (apart from me) Is Queen of Elegance, class, and beauty?
Alas, look at the picture! Our dearest, Audrey Hepburn. She is a total role model to her, and ask me any question on her and I can fire the answer in a millisecond. But, we (unfortunately) are in 2009, and this nation is hardly even aware of class anymore, in fact, judging by the fact that you go outside on the street and you see a load of chavs and vandals graffiting walls with baggy tracksuits and nike trainers and saying 'Innit dough!", well, something needs to be done. I read "Jilly Coopers book of Class - the devastatingly funny expose of the english clast system" which I had found in my garage, under a box of old stuff. It was very amusing, and told the story of 4 families, all different classes. Each chapter was dedicated to a different thing; Dogs, clubs,television, voices, appearence, Food, The classes, Gardens, and much more. The book was written in the eighties and, because the book is trying to bring back class, my estimate is it was probably detioriating in the eighties aswell. (Not the book, class.) Back to Audrey Hepburn, by far to me - the classiest person I've ever heard of. I was introduced to her by my Nan when I was 7, who bought me a sophisticated nice handbag with Audrey imprinted on it. I, curious, asked who this very beautiful lady was.
"Ah, that's Audrey Hepburn!" My nan's voice came. My nan used to be a model and actress so therefore, she always can talk about girlie things and nail varnish and always buys me make-up for Christmas. When I'm an author, I shall still think Audrey Hepburn as my role model, and always will.
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