Yaay - Yesterday, Carryn came round, I would have posted on here, but we were to busy!
She c
ame round, and we watched Wild Child! It was hilariously funny, but not only that - I loved "Poppy" the main character's clothes so much, we searched online where they came from! We found the exact clothes and the exact boutuque, and are saving up for them! I've made a word document and pasted all the clothes with their prices, and there are really nice wedge heels and high sandals. Also we went to my garden and played with Monty and Ginger, and then for half an hour we tried to call Capital Radio, but it took ages so we gave up and went for Radio One, Run by the BBC. Again we gave up. Last time, I actually got on Fearne & Reggie's Request show, and they answered in about 10 seconds! Anyways, After Me and Carryn had watched Wild Child, Attempted to Phone Radio One and Capital.fm, it was time for pizza! Good old mum had put two whole huge pizzas, pepporoni, cheese and tomato, and ham and olive - Just to make sure we had a choice. Me and Carryn had both pizzas and for desert chocolate mousse! Mmm...By the way, I don't usually eat pizzas and chocolate all the time, its only when we have a friend round, we choose foods that are simple so its not likely to be something that they won't like. Anyway, after lunch we chatted and finished Wild Child and played around. Then Carryn's mum came with Carryn's really really annoying brother and adorable five month old sister. While my mum and dad chatted with Carryn's mum, me, Carryn and Ronan played in the garden. We played "hide and seek" and me and Carryn were against Ronan. We kept getting caught until I pointed the hidden garage to Carryn. We hid in there and leant against the door, but Ronan spotted us through the window of the garage! Doh! We had a great time and it was really fun, apart from when Ronan arrived and spat all over the kitchen table so that I had to spray it with cleaner and cloth! Yeuuccchhh! Most of all, I CAN'T WAIT FOR MY NEW "POPPY" WARDROBE!!! Full of suedettes, Bonny wedges, diamente tops and loads more, and the exact red top Poppy wore at the disco!!!!! Go meee and my new wardrobe! P.S No way I'm I telling you where I found the shop online! Lol. I would paste the clothes from the shop onto here, but their almost identicle to the ones in Wild Child, so like, what would the point be? + I don't want copycats!
She c

{a total WILDCHILD♥}
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