Yes, that is not the way to start a post.
How are you?
Yes, I'm fine. NO I'm not.
So, for the past two weeks I have been bullied by (SCARY MUSIC AND HORROR MOVIE SCREAM)...ABI AND PHOEBE.
So the first few days I ignored it and just walked away. That is now, I am SO sorry..IMPOSSIBLE. They actually bothered to try and follow me effing home. Then Abi called me a fat slag. Yeaahh, right, I'm the slag?? Hmm, something dosen't sound correct. And then on my way from science, when I ignore all her stupid remarks she trips me up and I have to walk behind her because tripping me up is her latest hobby of being horrible to me. UGHHHH! I hate her and Phoebe SO much. Phoebe naturally sticks up for her friend (You know what, I bet even Abi dosen't like Phoebe but, whatever) and says I'm the one bullying her for being dyslexic. I do NOT even bully people, let alone be horrible to them If they're dyslexic. The truth is (and I've had other people agree with me so I can make a decision of what I really think of those two bullies) is they are ignorant, cruel, careless, excuse-making idiots who get pleasure off making someone upset. When I said they were very arrogant, they didn't even know what it meant. They are so ignorant, and proving my point, when they were really really being nasty I told them that and they went 'What do Igrarent meaan?". Yup. They ugggghhhh, I HATE THEM! They always delibrately sit next to me in the dining hall, and they always twist the story when I try to talk to others about it shreiking "What? She's the one teasing me for being dyslexic, innit it ain't ma fault!" Again with the dyslexia! I'm NOT saying anything about that! But personally I am considering she is dyslexic, but the thing is; and I hate to say it but its true; she's using it as an excuse. I mean, dyslexic is when you have a disability to read, sometimes to learn, no offense, but Dyslexia does not cause IGNORANCE, does it? I know you are thinking that I just can't put myself in the other person's shoes and that I just don't understand the properties of dyslexia, and that I think she is delibrately being ignorant to annoy me, whatever you think, but I want to let it all out. She is mean, and that however is no property of dyslexia. She is conceited, ditto. She never hands her homework and many times at Babington she has stated "Oh i don care I couldn't be bovered to do it who cares. It is boring and stupid and silly so what?"
Yeah, yeah one more thing: I never ever once even mentioned Phoebe's or Abby's dyslexia to them, and never even called them names. How random is their excuse though? Actually, I didn't even know they were dyslexic. It was them who chose me as a victim, then I ignored them (which made them more angry) and they are just...B-U-L-L-I-ES. I'm not the only one..
BRING INTO THE COURT MY WITNESSES; Carryn, Grace, Nancy, Megan. They've got no witnesses at all, uh, um why? 'cause I didn't do ANYTHING!

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