~What happened in P.E~
Nadia and Grace were fab, they shot a goal in Netball!
We basically mucked around when we had a bit of free time, going on about our 'Winnie the Pooh club' - Well, it started when I mentioned that my friend Carryn reminded me of Winnie. I frequently call her that now. And now we've got a whole club - I'm Eeyore, Grace and Nadia (I dunno which) are Piglet, Roberta is Tigger (Because of her red/gingery hair) and Lara is the bunny, because of her hair colour. We walked around the P.E Netball court, blabbering on about which character we were.
"Girls, stop talking about Winnie the Pooh. Concentrate. Now, moving on about dodging.." Miss thingymejeg (what was her name again?) said.
We giggled, blushing.
"You can both be Piglet, then," I said to Grace and Nadia, ignoring the teacher in a whisper.
"I wanna be piglet." Nadia laughed.
"Hmm. Can I be that bunny, wasshername?" Lara chipped in.
"Girls! You're not still going on about Winnie the Pooh, are you?" The teacher moaned, rolling her eyes and laughing.
We laughed, the whole class had overheard. (Giggle)
~What happened In Technology~
Omgosh, I was so Naughty!!!! Me and Iona were bored sick. So we painted our nails with the paint we were supposed to be using on our Mitre joints (we were making wooden picture frames). Then after that, we got bored again. I glanced at my apron. Then the pink paint.
"Omgosh let's paint the apron pink!" I joked, laughing.
"Okay!" Said Iona, taking me seriously. I agreed then too. We started dabbing on loads of pink, until the whole pocket of the apron was a nice, pink. We had to keep mixing red with white! Nadia came over and funnily dabbed a spot of blue. "Doh! You spoiled my lovely pink!" I moaned, giggling. I smudged it in, so it was half baby blue, half peachy pink. Ms. Shepard, our tech teacher came past at that moment. Me, Nadia and Iona exchanged glances. I sat on my seat, neutral. As Ms. Shepard approached, I quickly moved into my seat, beneath the desk, so the desk covered my apron.
Then Ms. Shepard said, "Come to my desk so we can sort your tech book out," I gasped. Oh no. She would see my apron. I ripped it off quickly, running to the hanger with aprons. I tore my pink one off and got another one (which wasn't better - someone had painted a breast on it from a while ago) and ran up to her, releived. Iona wiped her forehead, releived also. Few minutes later, The technition came in. She held up the apron.
"Girls. This is still wet. Whoever did it, this is school property, school money. You will NOT be in trouble, but you have 5 minutes to admit you were the one who did it, whoever it was."
it was funny! Nadia and Iona started talking loudly about random rubbish stuff like were was the glue and stuff -Hahhaa! I tried to avert my eyes from the teacher. After the speech I ran up to Iona and Nadia. "We have to tell her, you know," I said, almost shaking at the knees. Nadia and Iona agreed to come up and thought it was a good idea. We thought we would go to Miss.Hine (the head of YR7) but we didn't. Because we were honest, luckily Iona and Nadia just had to wash it (And they had fun, laughing their heads of while they scrubbed) and I only had to sit there watching Miss write a note. But I will never paint aprons again, it was just funny! Probably the naughtiest thing I've done ever at any school - And that's not too bad actually. Science went bad, But I won't go into it. I'm happy happy happy today though - I'm going round Nadia's (my friend at school & my author companion) house today at 4.00 to play on her Trampoline!

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