Wednesday, 11 March 2009


So today was cool. We had this band/duet/rapper come to our school, who is famous. His name's JUSB, and he's a singer that runs this youth thing called JUSB. Its to like get young teens of the street and stuff (Not that I am, its just this youth community), and they have these really cool facilities! They have a cafe', they have this is the main part - they have a recording studio!!!!!! Where you can do your own CD and you sing into the microphone with headphones and record it and stuff. Ed and Jay, my two brothers are good at that sorta thing, so I can show them want I've learnt when I next use there recording disc thingy. Also they have a T.V, loads of games, they go on trips; and they have different courses. They have the Baseline project, which they do where you can record your song with proffessional Recording Artists, and they remix it and stuff, and you can record it with your friend, and they'll help you with lyrics. You only have to pay £1 for recording as it is set up by the Government! For the FNX project, (Friday Night Experience) for 11-13 year olds, they have the music studio, games consoles, IT suite with internet access, film studio where you can make and edit films, arts and crafts activities, a TV, and a café area serving snacks. Cool, huh? Anyways, after school I decided to phone mum and say I'll be late home, as I decided to go to Footie club with Carryn at Bullers Wood. I must admit I hate football, but it was fun to play football with Carryn, as she didn't tease me that I hardly knew how to kick a ball!!! Just as well I didn't get embaressed as only 3 people turned up at Football club today! Carryn's mum then gave me a lift home. I then got cracking on my wonderful house In Furcadia, then read a bit, and then had dinner.

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