Hiya, all!
Missed me?? Ahhh, Anna is here!
Well, today after school I went trampolining club with Carryn, as I didn't have very much to do after school. It was a nightmare. N-I-G-H-T-M-A-R-E. Abby and Phoebe were there. I actually didn't even get on the trampoline, As I was so worried Abby would burst out laughing, like she does in everything I do. Anyways, so Abby had to start one of her stupid little rows with me. I just ignored her, which some how never works because it seems to trigger her anger button. Then, she started kicking me under the trampoline, but under it so no-one would see. That crafty, little, stupid ignorant, horrible cow. Then she walked by, pretending to smile, and punched me in the back. My teeth seethed together to stop it being sore, but I made my face remain neutral, giving Abi the utter dismay that her measly punch hadn't worked. I quickly whispered what Abi had done when Abi was bouncing up and down, up and down like some kind of ill bunny rabbit who couldn't jump properly.
Actually, I kind of screamed it out to Carryn, rather than whispering. I suddenly started bashing my arm on the trampoline's edge, muttering insults to myself about Abi. News spread round about what Abi had done, and Abi blushed, going red, and trying to murmer about it was an accident and all that rubbish and not replying when others wondered why she had hit me.
"Carryn let's go tell Miss Harker!" Though at the time, I thought the teacher's name was Miss O'hanalan, the other P.E teacher, but that dosen't matter.
Carryn nodded and I went up to the teacher.
"Miss Harker- that girl there- Abi, she kept kicking me under the trampoline so no-one would see and then she punched me on the back." I said.
At the minute Abi saw I was telling she turned her back, ashamed that the teacher knew, and Abi was pretending nothing happened. She got told off, though, and I'm glad. I'm so so glad. She's so horrible - that Abi, and so sly.
She didn't really bother me after, and when Miss Harker flashed Abi a look after 'Say sorry' Abi just grumbled it, and Carryn and me both agreed that there was an air of something, you know like..not truthful, kind of with a hint of irony...or that kind of look 'You cow Anna', but I just walked home and got a lift with Carryn's mum. While I told the story to Carryn's mum - who's vey understanding actually-, she gave me some advice: A bully is only as strong as you let it to be. The only person that can stop a bully is the victim. She also said, if she punches you, puch her back. "But I'll get told off by the teacher!" I moaned to Leisel (Carryn's mum).
"Well, yes - but wouldn't it be worth it? You tell the teacher she did it first, and you'll still get in trouble - but Its worth never getting bullied by her again, because she'll know not to mess with you, right? She'll have a blue nose and you'll get told off, but you see how worth it is?"
So, but I'm not the 'punching' type girl, I can hardly say 'boo' to a goose - I'm a softie, but I am actually quite strong in fighting, but I've never felt the need to use it. But maybe, if I ever really really want to get back at Abi, and she pulls my final string, I might give her a punch in the nose. But I'm not giving her a black eye - its not very ladylike. I'm just saying I'm not getting into any violent fights, but I will stand up for myself. The pic shows that you can walk through a crowd of bullies (In a cat's point of view) and not be scared.
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