People I call you in this distressed time of war, this is your Prime Minister Wowness Speaking. Today, at 9:30 am this morning, it is official that Britain is being invaded by Chavs.
Yes people. The attack of the chavs.
The Chav Prime Minister, Adelade Tanter and her assistant, Penelope Blake, are training the army very well. Creating Martial arts with stripe Burberry belts, and encouraging them to carry knives everywhere they go. The classy troops are wearing Anti-Chav shirts and are not afraid to tell the chavs exactly how ignorant they are. We are also putting up our signiture catchphrase and poster: Keep the U.K tidy. Bin a Chav.
A qoute made by Miss Adelade Tanter last evening whilst she was drunk and decided to try and "Beat dem Classies up innit" was:
"Ahaaahahaha We can beat dem stupid stuck-up geeeks yer, Penni? Ahhhha pass me anoover boddle of Voddkaaa. Ok letz get soma kind of mart-- wahever fightin' proffessional person over 'ere yer so we can beat the ell outtaa dose people that fink we're so dumb yerr cuz dey are just the onez who are dumb yer innit, Penni? Oh excuse em waaa waever I dunno french bu I gotta frow up yerr ...bleeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."
Also food will Be Rationed, and our country is expecting great result as it is expected by Prime Minister Wowness and the army that The chavs shall be starved as McDonalds shall be closed down.
This looks like a very interesting satire, Anna.
ReplyDeleteIt could border on snark, though.