------WOWness......♥Anyways, Happy Valentine's day! Speaking of occasions, yesterday we broke up for half term - yaay! Not only that, I was delighted as dad bought me three packets of wonderful colourful alphabet stickers and a green, lovely glittery gel pen, all to do cards with! They're really great and I've already made a card for my friend Rosie, by getting a silver star, and because her name is 5 letters, same as a star's number of points, I've put in alphabet stickers R O S I E on each point, and as a finish touch added some flower wrapping paper and lace ribbon. I also phoned up Carryn, and she is coming round Wednesday on half term to watch movies and do some crafts in my shed. Moving on to that, dad did a good job of converting the shed into a hangout for me, by putting a table with cushions, ect. I am also gonna convert it into a craft shed, by hanging up some of my cards I've made, and on the table put my craft equipment, good huh? It will be great to watch the wildlife (we have a pack of foxes living in their nest at the bottom of the garden, 6 squirrels hopping about, about like 18 pegions, and an adorable robin red breast and a woodpecker down in the woods, oh, did I mention in the trees, deep up, live some paraketes? I am serious about the parakeets, I swear. Ask my dad. A few are living in Chislehurst, and in the newspaper it wrote an article, about them living in Chislehurst. Apparently they escaped from a Zoo, thats what dad says. I swear, don't care if you beleive me or not. They're parakeets in the trees, flying around my neighbourhood, come round my house if you must. Carryn will anyway.) and then at the same time make cards.
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