Its only one more day pouring over maths and science and humanities and more before half term! Tomorrow we break up for a week! Yaaay!
Me, Grace, Nadia and I forgot who (lol), are in a competition to see who can create the best card.
[me and Nadia will SO win]
When I got home, I started making my entry. Its great, its on blue card, and sticking out is pink, lovely foam. On the foam tied is a fake flower - stem and flower and leaf and all, and a gold and white ribbon. Then, stuck onto the foam is silver tin foil, and on that is peachy coloured paper, with 'be my VALENTINE' on it in red pen. Below, of a tradition Ukrainian culture card, I stuck a picture of a glittery flower bouquet'. Cool!Oh, what's not cool is I have to sit next to the most annoying girl in the world in french. Her Name is Lucie. Ugh. No, not Lucy. H. Lucie.C. Gosh, she has problems. She got three detentions in one day! She never ever ever stops shouting out in class and never listens and when I'm trying to do my work she asks me all these questions and the teacher can hardly teach the rest of the class because she's so busy trying to get Lucie to calm down. She's kinda, like, what do you call that attention disease teenagers have? Oh, A.D.S. Research it, google it. JUST HELP ME GET AWAY FROM HERR!!
*Meditates, getting hot chocolate in order to calm down*
Phewww...I'm back, I'm alright. Anyway, um, mothers day. What am I getting her? Here:
1. Card - already made it.
2. Bracelet from Past times.
3. A little jeweled pen and penpot I spotted in Bromley.
4. A big hug!!!
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