Sorry I didn't write a post yesterday. It was a pretty normal day:
Got up, had breakfast (Hot Chocolate and Croissant)
Then went for a morning run outside and did some excercise, fed Guinea pigs (Monty and Ginger♥ ), then played more in the garden.
Read a few chapters Of Harry potter and The Deathly Hallows (Last book, read it about 18 times and I'm still lovin' it)
Then played on Furcadia (A game on the computer)
Then went back to reading.
Had Lunch.
Turned the radio up loud and danced like a maniac for about three hours (I couldn't help it, the songs on radio one were awesome as usual)
Made a card for my next door neighbour (very nice old lady called Doris) and popped it through her door.
Watched a bit Of 'Star Wars' (My 28 year old and 26 year old brother just moved house, and they were clearing all the junk and stuff when they found it and passed it on to me. I'm quite girly but actually its quite good, and its a set of 3 of the series)
Curled myself up in a blanket then watched 'Pcsych' (I can never spell it..sorry) and then 'Friends' You know me - I'm crazy about 'Friends'! And so basically that was yesterday..quite plain really. But today should be more fun. So anyways, something people didn't know necessarily is that I'm an elouai freak too. Elouai? What's elouai? Its when you create dolls of yourself on the computer --Here are mine, check them out! This is roughly what I look like.
The main part I like about Elouai is it has rockin' clothes you can put on your doll...that's the point in fact. And you choose from over 2000 noses alone! That's detailed people! So is 300 hairstyles for just the colour blonde! http://www.elouai.com/ and then click 'dollmaker'. I use Candybar 3. Also the Roommakers rock too! P.S I know the pose thingy is dodgy...some elouai clothes just fit like that and it looks ..but I didn't make it pose like that!
The doll also, turned out smaller when I put it onto blog, so view full size (please do) on
C:\Documents and Settings\shop\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\KLZUKVVA\doll[1].gif (paste into internet bar should work)

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