So I may have been tricked....
<<<[Rewind] [to Science today]
"I'll give you £2 if you stay quiet until half two." Emily says.
I sigh. Its al tricks. Last time I did this cheeky little con I ended up without a penny and a sore throat and it took me half an hour to get the hang of talking again.
"Fine. I suppose I have nothing to loose - I mean, I don't even feel like chatting," -That was me, and my thoughts.
"Fine, Em! But you have to promise!" I said, not sure.
She shook my hand truthfully, and said 'I promise'.
"I'll pay you £6 if you stay quiet until hometime!" Ella chipped in.
No way. I do not trust Ella. But I agreed, being made to. So I was quiet, until 2 mins until hometime, when I let out a tiny gasp as I accidently scratched myself on the neck. How on EARTH, does gasping qualify as talking?? I knew this would happen, how could I be so stupid???
"Emily, I may not have gained money, But I stayed true to myself. I shook your hand that I would remain quiet and I did. Even though your con infuriates me, I have lost nothing at all -- I have proven myself I can keep a promise well, and I know that your comment on gasping was unfair," I said, proudly.
So eventually she saw my point and murmered she would give me £2 on Monday but I didn't care anyway. It was Red Nose Day today as you know, and I wore a red and white waistjacket 2-in-1 stripey and dotty hoodie, skinny jeans, Red 'Tweety' socks, and a white furry coat and my school pumps, with a woven bag with a red flower on it.
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