I went to Lara's Quasar birthday party. It rocked - even though I had never played Quasar before. I was nervous. We were up against twenty year olds in the second round! We were shown up to a dark room with steps. It was hot and hard to breathe but eventually we got used to it. We then were talked through the instructions by this guy, and led into the arena. Me and Lara's friend stuck together as she had played before. There was red and blue team. There were people on our team we didn't know too. The arena was great - all dark, with tunnels and obsticles to hide, walls, everything. The sheilds we wore flashed our colour and turned yellow if we were shot. Every so now and then we had to refill our guns by using the energizer after we had had twenty-five kills. It was so fun!! The first round we were up against some boys around our age but younger. There was this really mean seven-year-old and he really hated me. For some reason, he kept shooting me like fifteen times. What the hell? Shoot someone else.
"Will you stop shooting at me!" I screeched for the tenth time. In the end I got him back and shot him well. I suprised myself at Quasar. Usually I absolutely suck at sports, but I'm not so terrifyingly bad at Quasar. But bad yes, but not too. Second round Annaley and Holly I stuck to, and we were up against 20-30 year olds with big beards and long hair and a mix of teen girls and guys. I improved the second time, but they were tough! I must admit I came last on my time on the first round, and one before last on my team in the second round. Holly unfortunately came last second :( But I've never played before, so obviously I wasn't a marvel at it. But I will definitely go again - I loved every minute of it! And if I was to go a third time - which I probably will this Easter, I will improve even more! Moving on, inbetween the first and second round, it was time for food! I had hot dog and fries and icecream! Then, the lights went out and in came the cake. And I will tell you, Lara WAS in for a real suprise!! She blew. The candles lit up again. Blew and blew again. In exasparation, Lara leaned closer. Her hair dangled near the flame. A flame got on her hair and caught fire. Panic Panic PANIC! Lara screeched and wacked her hair with her hands and Lara's mum ran over and did the same. I was totally blank for a few seconds, my mind a blurr, and then saw. Soon Lara got rid of the flame and the whole table burst into explosive laughter.
"Omygod, you were like aahhhh! And you were like this!" Kelly said, laughing her head off.
"Are you alirght?" Lara's mum sighed, releived, and asked Lara.
"You were just clapping your hands in your hair!" I giggled.
We all smelt Lara's hair. Ughhh, it smelt awful. Lara's mum told her to use lots of conditioner.
"Well, this is a birthday I'll never forget!" Laughed Lara.

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