But today, I just thought of something.
Would you save a stranger? There was also a T.V programme about the subject. For example, I remember being told that a teen went to just his local bakery, which was full of people, and he was stabbed by another guy. But no-one, I mean no-one had the courage to even try and help the person. Because they were all to scared. And I was thinking, I know its very hard to pluck up the courage, but really - All it takes for evil to triumph is if good people just do nothing about it. Easily, if all the people in the bakery worked together, they could have Easily taken this one guy down. And if it was like 15 against 1 then guess who would win. And also on the telly there was this case of these two twelve year old girls on the bus, and this big gang of older girls came in and started beating one of them up. Again, everyone just pretended nothing was happening. And the bus driver didn't even tell them to get off! That bus driver seriously shouldn't have even been employed. So. Well, I'm just gonna leave it at that. Yes, it is a bit of a risk to help the person being harassed/beaten up, but life is full of risks. Every time you cross the road you take a risk, and every time you go on an aeroplane you take a risk. Anyways, See you tomorrow when I post another post!

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