NOTE: This is yesterday's post, which I saved as a draft <3.
- Seriously, I just feel like...moany. Totally utterly upset.
- I had a 'fight?' with my friends Carryn and Lara.
- Had to clean up my desk and so on.
- Am getting annoyed because I am craving those Hippo sweets.
- Am impatient because I can't wait until Friday.
- On an extra plus, I have loads of homework, which I shall be doing after I have written this post.
- I am now trying to think of a good topic to write about....
Nope. I think I shall just moan about those hippos. They've got that lovely cream when you bite in, and as this oozes into your mouth then comes the white choccy sprinkles. On top of that, feeling that should-I-eat-this-cute-lil-thing you nibble at the eyes coated in yoghurt stuff, and the lovely lovely milk brown crusty chocolate as the pupils...Mmmmmmmm. Yummm. Now for the Nitty-Gritty. Did I mention I might be put in Middle (AVERAGE) set for English?? MIDDLE. MIDDLE. FLIPPIN' MIDDLEEE. If I am put into middle set I will throw my Hippos (A HUGE sacrifice) at Ms. Jhons. (*name is changed). She says if you got around 70, you're in top set. I got 68. How UNFAIR. And she says 68 and 69 have a chance to get in top set, she's not sure, but they might be in middle too. MIDDLE? MIDDLE? She doesen't gettit. I wrote the most pages out of anyone in my class for my project, I'm bothering to drive to another town to get a photo of the plaque from where E. Blyton (the person I'm doing the project on) lived, and I constantly put all my effort into writing in huge detail and very poetically. I know - your thoughts are; How selfish is this blogger? What the hell; I try so hard. My ambition is to be an author; all my teachers in the past have always given me top marks; I got L5 in my SATs and now some teacher who doesen't mark our work (I'm not kidding, she doesen't take them in. No, I'm serious - only once this whole year) and just talks in our lesson (So ok, these little what- does- this- word- mean talks may help some people in the class, I admit, but to be honest I've heard this all before) can't me in middle set. Yeah, yeah, "Don't worry, its not about sets. You know you're good, and prove them wrong," yada yada yada. But it doesen't feel good. But...I could use this to my advantage ;) I can picture a paragraph about me in some magazine in the future;
Began writing stories ever since she was little. Some teachers liked her writing, some not so much. In Year 7, she was placed in the Middle set. Sad and disappointed, a year after she would soon get her first play published age 13.
omg. I'm so selfish. Sorry. I just wanted a little moannn time. Blogs are good therapy for when you get totally narked. On the brighter side, I could be in TOP. TOP. WOHOO. TOP OF THE LADDER ♥. I just promise promise if I'm in top I will work so so so hard. I envy my friend, Nadia, who's not bothered by it.
"John Lennon failed all his exams..but look how he turned out." I know, Nadia, but his ambitions had nothing to do with a school subject. If you want to be a mathmatician, its usually considered you get to be in top set for maths.
I'm just a girl trying to furfill (omg I think I spelt that wrong) her dream here. Just keep me in your prayers, as Robyn says. I'm not really that melodramatic, I'm just a hopeful, wishful, weird girl.
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