Wednesday, 13 January 2010
The most interesting things.
What would happen if Gordon Brown swapped places with Boris Johnson? Mayor vs Prime Minister.
What would happen if the whole world got a virus but only five people were left surviving - there would be no electricity because no one would be running the stations, the supermarkets would eventually run out of food, etc, etc. That idea is from the BBC one programme survivors, shown Tuesday at 9:00pm and I think it's fantastic. But what if it really happened? I want to know if you guys would actually want to live. I don't think I would. Five people left. What's there to live for? Can you achieve anything? Sure... the first couple of days would be fun. Do whatever you want, don't have to pay for anything, no work, school, etc, but the whole thing would be pointless.
What would happen if the world had to move to another planet?
Thanks Robyn for this great idea (I wonder idea).
I've been reading this great book VOGUE BODY AND BEAUTY BOOK it was published in the 1970s, and it's got loads of tips on make up. I could tell anyone the whole layout of their facial shapes, where to put such and such according to their shape, what tones, and all sorts. Very useful. Here are some tips I'd like to share;
♥Lipgloss and Lipstick combine very well. Lip stain is lipstick but with shine.
♥If you use liquid or cream eyeshadow use a bit of eyeshadow powder.
♥Cream foundation? Put a dot on your nose, each cheek, chin and forehead. Blend with fingertips upward and outwards towards the chin, outwards over the cheeks, across the forehead, down the nose, ubder the tip and very lights around the eyes and on the lids. Continue foundation just under the chin. No need to cover your neck. Make sure there are no application lines. Use a sponge to blend.
♥Eyeliner: Black hair equals black eyeliner. If you have light hair or brown hair, a dark brown will do. Do dots in a line, spread out a bit. Then join them together. This will look neat, straight and effective.
♥False Eyelashes: Soak them in water for 3-4 minutes. These are a lot more effective than mascara, and actually they look more natural.
♥Overall effect: You should find one feauture you would like to highlight, rather than playing up the whole face. Usually people go for the eyes. Curl with instrument, eyelashes or mascara, glitter and eyeshadow, lightly powder, etc.
♥Lip lining: Use a lip liner slightly darker than your chosen lipstick/gloss. Go in and out for a bow effect. Unless you want to create the illusion of bigger or thinner lips, don't be tempted to go outside of your natural line.
Friday, 8 January 2010
England's day off.
Build a snowman bigger than yourself - you'll need a ladder.
Go sledging.
Turn snow to ICE and skateee!
Go round shaking all the trees - you'll get covered!
Make an Igloo!
If your road is untouched - write your name all over it!
Melt snow on your tongue.
Make snow angles.
Make a model of your pet (if you have any) or make a zoo of snow animals!
Try and count how many snowflakes are falling down!
Enjoy. But I would just like to moan about something today, even though I'm happy there's no school. It's totally random, brought on by the recent Britain's got talent's and Big Brother's etc, I must admit I do watch them, but only because it's amusing to watch how silly it all is, not because I genuinely am absorbed by it. The bar of being famous now is ridiculous. People should be famous for something really amazing, not for a particular career, that isn't even talent. Weird. The industry is a mess. Being on a tv show, one little song at an audition, releasing one song that didn't even get in the top ten, suddenly saying something on the news, or being someone's daughter/son/relative. Angelina Jolie, Paris Hilton - they're famous by their relatives. Yes, they do do stuff, Paris's has got a proper job - writing and her clothing line (most people think she goes out partying all her life, but not really since I've watched her documentry) and Angelina's got all her adopted children, but it's corrupted. Michelle Obama - she's having the time of her life. I'm the president's wife, so I'll go and write for fabulous magazine and make myself a celebrity... now, what should I wear for that interview?
Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Evryone, I have the sweetest news! I have a baby neice! She was born about a week and a half ago, in Germany. Her name is Emily. Emily.. it suits her so well! I and my family have been looking and 'chatting' with her and the happy mummy and daddy on Skype. The wonders of the world of Skype.. you feel as if you're really then. I tell you, everyone, a webcam is what I call an investment! And you can take pictures with it, check it out... I would put a piccy of me on it.. but I look really strange - because you look at the webcam, when you take to picture it makes your eyes look really weird..
Uggggggggh. I hav just designed my 'live free signiture' online, and then I give them my blogger website for them to put it on, and they write a post I didn't write, an advertisement. They ruined the post I just wrote, and it was really long.... It'll take me ages. In a nutshell:
I said I had a great, but stressful Christmas, got so many presents it was hard to list, and that my favourite was the bundle of stylish clothes (so many!) and a really nice Hello Kitty watch
♥ That I had enjoyed the snow recently but sadly there was not a speck of rememberance left of my snowman.
♥That we have guests coming to visit.. four guests in a week!
♥That I again have to sleep in the guest bedroom.. not really a guestbedroom, then, is it?
Which mascara should I buy Maybelline Collassal or Max Factor curves?
How was your Christmas?
That I will have to keep my room tidy as a New Year's resolution.
Toodles, everyone! Sorry about the random paragraphing, I couldn't get the bullet points to move!
Saturday, 10 October 2009
Ditched, now it's the first the best.
Not really a guest bedroom if I have to sleep in it while the guests sleep in MY room is it?
I got so many presents it would take very long to list, but I will tell you my favourite presents ar the beautiful Hello kitty watch and huge bundle of stylish clothes I received.
We have had so much snow recently! But alas, it's now all gone. Not even a tiny speck of ice is there in rememberance of my snowman I built. He did last quite a long time though. And on Christmas eve, imagine, I was stuck with flu (possibly swine flu, we think). Coughing, sneezing, and I felt so weak I just couldn't heave myself out of bed. So I am considering new Year Christmas without the presents, you see. I am just thinking and wondering if you could help me: Which mascara to get? Maybelline Collassal, or Max factor curves? Yes, I'll write later - I'm going to hog the tv now and eat my breakfast. Yum. Toast with peanut butter and the other one jam with tea and then get polishing off my Christmas chocolate (You won't beleive how much chocolate was in my stocking, my room is literally a chocolate shop). I'm serious, in time for our guests (they arrive in the morning.) I'm going to transfer it to the guest room.. they'll steal my delish choccy!
Sunday, 4 October 2009
3D cinema and A day out in London!

Saturday, 3 October 2009
Borry Bo Bong
Been really busy moving house and everything, and loads more. Just kind of couldn't be bothered to bost.
Bi Bot a gold and by bose is blocked - so that's why I bam balking flunny. My nose is runny - hey that rhymes!
You card fans out there, I have just started making them proffessionally! Went on a craft spree, bought loads of embelleshments, equipment, and card and envelope set. Got a whole folder full of stuff from foam pads, to tape, to decoupage.
What's even more exciting, is my parents will give me a list to whom to make Christmas cards for, and I will get paid for each card! But I'm not in it for the money - I just generally love making cards, and even better, I get paid to do something I enjoy - Perfect, huh?
I've also realised now that I am going to write more interesting and detailed posts. Ugh, This cold sucks. (Here I go Again) I'm hungry like a lion, and no matter how warm I wrap up and how uplifting music I listen to I STILL feel cold.
Does anyone have any jokes, advice on colds, or anything?
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Bleh (Yesterday's post)

- Seriously, I just feel like...moany. Totally utterly upset.
- I had a 'fight?' with my friends Carryn and Lara.
- Had to clean up my desk and so on.
- Am getting annoyed because I am craving those Hippo sweets.
- Am impatient because I can't wait until Friday.
- On an extra plus, I have loads of homework, which I shall be doing after I have written this post.
- I am now trying to think of a good topic to write about....
Nope. I think I shall just moan about those hippos. They've got that lovely cream when you bite in, and as this oozes into your mouth then comes the white choccy sprinkles. On top of that, feeling that should-I-eat-this-cute-lil-thing you nibble at the eyes coated in yoghurt stuff, and the lovely lovely milk brown crusty chocolate as the pupils...Mmmmmmmm. Yummm. Now for the Nitty-Gritty. Did I mention I might be put in Middle (AVERAGE) set for English?? MIDDLE. MIDDLE. FLIPPIN' MIDDLEEE. If I am put into middle set I will throw my Hippos (A HUGE sacrifice) at Ms. Jhons. (*name is changed). She says if you got around 70, you're in top set. I got 68. How UNFAIR. And she says 68 and 69 have a chance to get in top set, she's not sure, but they might be in middle too. MIDDLE? MIDDLE? She doesen't gettit. I wrote the most pages out of anyone in my class for my project, I'm bothering to drive to another town to get a photo of the plaque from where E. Blyton (the person I'm doing the project on) lived, and I constantly put all my effort into writing in huge detail and very poetically. I know - your thoughts are; How selfish is this blogger? What the hell; I try so hard. My ambition is to be an author; all my teachers in the past have always given me top marks; I got L5 in my SATs and now some teacher who doesen't mark our work (I'm not kidding, she doesen't take them in. No, I'm serious - only once this whole year) and just talks in our lesson (So ok, these little what- does- this- word- mean talks may help some people in the class, I admit, but to be honest I've heard this all before) can't me in middle set. Yeah, yeah, "Don't worry, its not about sets. You know you're good, and prove them wrong," yada yada yada. But it doesen't feel good. But...I could use this to my advantage ;) I can picture a paragraph about me in some magazine in the future;
Began writing stories ever since she was little. Some teachers liked her writing, some not so much. In Year 7, she was placed in the Middle set. Sad and disappointed, a year after she would soon get her first play published age 13.
omg. I'm so selfish. Sorry. I just wanted a little moannn time. Blogs are good therapy for when you get totally narked. On the brighter side, I could be in TOP. TOP. WOHOO. TOP OF THE LADDER ♥. I just promise promise if I'm in top I will work so so so hard. I envy my friend, Nadia, who's not bothered by it.
"John Lennon failed all his exams..but look how he turned out." I know, Nadia, but his ambitions had nothing to do with a school subject. If you want to be a mathmatician, its usually considered you get to be in top set for maths.
I'm just a girl trying to furfill (omg I think I spelt that wrong) her dream here. Just keep me in your prayers, as Robyn says. I'm not really that melodramatic, I'm just a hopeful, wishful, weird girl.
Saturday, 13 June 2009
Real music is Back!
Recently, apart from that awful noise; gotta get that Boom boom boom I got that future POW; I have noticed it seems that a lot of great music is coming back.
Because there's this new artist; V.V Brown - and she's a big fan of the fifties. I am ADDICTED to her song Shark in the Water. Her debut album comes out July 16th, or something like that.
I can't WAIT. And she's British.
Finally proud to have a lovely singer who isn't from the U.S.A.
Guys, you have got to youtube shark in the water; http://http//
Her voice is angelic, and the lyrics are funny. Also, found that the girl from Primeval is in S-club 7, how did I not find this out earlier.
P.S notice the theme tune for my blog? Its V.V's song :) But I've still got Friends on it.
Here it is.
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Just Journalism.
- Study literature and Journalism in University.
- Write for the newspapers after graduating, and during uni if possible. I want to travel, to write articles in many points of view.
- Then progress on to writing full novels aswell as plays and poetry.
Because, you see, recently I've been working on something. Its this newspaper thing. I've wrote articles on Britney and Global Warming in a very newspaper manner. Y'see, on Saturday whilst on the train, I was reading Culture magazine in the Sunday Times. Britney is something that has been in my brain for a long time. There was a huge rumour tabloid-like 3 page long rant about how she is mad. I found this brutally unsuitable and pecimist, an exaggerant account of the truth. I think that I want to start a journal that tells something in the truth, but grabs readers. So please, take some time to read an extract of my very own account of Britney in which I had to do a lot of research; watching Britney: for the record and biogrophies, etc aswell as articles. Here's the article (The one I wrote): Watching Britney: For the Record, it is clear that Britney Spears has definitely been exaggerated in the spotlight. In this popular film documentry, - released last year, she expressed how she felt the need for freedom, and how she had to grow up under the spotlight. Who wouldn't be mentally depressed if you can't step out your own front door without a crowd and a dozen cameras watching you, and are being gaurded twenty-four hours a day with no time for yourself? However, the star seems to have picked herself up and started fresh; releasing a new perfume, album, and going on tour - and generally seeming more 'calm'. The star first rose to fame when she was seventeen - releasing her debut album 'Baby one more time'. She soon became a world sensation - but still, as many say, just a 'kid'. Britney has been through rough times - her parents had many rows and her father had alchahol and anger problems, plus adding to Britney's stress, her Aunt died of Cancer in 2007. The next day she shaved her head. She has been through marriages and divorces; Jason Alexander, Kevin Federline, Justin Timberlake, and lost custody of her two children. The well-known singer comes from Louisiana. In 1993 she was a 'Mousekeeter' in the Mickey Mouse Club with Christina Agulera and Justin Timberlake.
Did you enjoy it? Hmm. I'll get better, hopefully. I mean I love doing articles. One of mine got published in the Babington Annual. But I mean, Journalism is a great start, so you get really 'stretched' and ready for novels. And not just that, I think I might be quite good at it. What do you think? I love the excitement of it, the research part, then the vocabulary, and then checking it sounds boring, but beleive me, to me its heaven!!
Competition still running, and hope you enjoyed the extract!!
Monday, 8 June 2009
How cute and lovely and COUGHY.
Listen I am so so sorry about not posting, guys. Its been ages, I know, I know. I have been so busy.
So today:
I had a coughing fit, everyone was scared and I nearly passed out because I couldn't breathe. And this was queing up for art class.
I did a drawing of a butterfly and sat next to Grace - which made me extremely jealous as her drawing is so much better than mine.
I went back on to furc, and am glad I quit my job at Sparkling.
Carryn came round after school because her mum was taking ages and we ate choc icecream and nattered, and I also gave her a leaflet from Disneyland because she is going for her birthday - same as I did in April for my birthday. I also showed her the photo of me and Minnie and some other momentoes.
Over the weekend, I went on Saturday and Sunday to markets. On saturday I went to Borough market and we bought some cheese (I think) and stuff. (I went with mum) Then Sunday Blackheath. Mum got into a massive row with the shopkeeper on the sweet stall, and it was all really embaressing. In the end, I was a happy bunny with a freebie bag of sweets the shopkeeper gave me to compensate for all the rowing.
I also, in the time I have not posted have done many other things. Dear oh dear, Its time to make a pact.
I, PrincessWowness..♥ Promise to write a post at least every other day unless I am kidnapped by aliens or am on a holiday with no computer. I promise to fill my posts with Happiness, Joy, grumpiness, rantings, endless natters, poetical and literate writing, and the odd limeric. I promise that I will reply to every question posted by other readers and I will keep all major events informed on blogger and post fun pictures and gossip.
Also, our house has the official {SOLD} sign up now in my garden. Mmm. Our landlord is selling the house. We are now looking for properties and I am very excited. Only about 12 months until I'm finally living in a house we can call RIGHTFULLY OURS. Its been like living in a blimmin' Circus, moving every year. It started when I was five, when I lived in a house we owned. Mum decided she didn't like the house - so we moved out. But the housing market was very very high price then, so we decided to rent. That house was the best. I loved it so. It was our 'dream' house as my parents called it. It was big, spacious, and pretty. We had really nice neighbours with a daughter called Ciara who was really nice, they were from Ireland. Next door we had an old couple called Rod and Sue, who's granddaughter Roseanna was very good friends with me, and we used to sneak through eachothers fences and play while Rod and Sue were in the house. Later on, Rod's son died because he was drunk and was on the trails of a trainstation. He was killed by the electricity. So poor Rod was so sad he didn't talk to us that much from then. Then eventually we had to move out, but we had stayed there a good four whole years. The longest I've stayed in a house. So then we moved here. I have a {nice?} school - which I don't really enjoy too much, I enjoyed my old one - but I have a few friends. The neighbours are old and grumpy, and the guy opposite me is fifteen and I am seriously freaked out by him and he's a chav. But you know - this is a lovely house. The garden is ginormous and has so many flowers and trees. And we have a Kitchen, Dining room, Reception/Lounge, 2 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms (one is a study), separate shower suite room. But I can't wait for my next house. Only one more wretched rent.
So rent ranting is over. Now what? Oh little things. In conclusion, I'm glad you've catched up! Me and my friend Nadia got a detention in English (I'm a Marvel at English - not meaning to be boastful, and its O.K to talk a LITTLE bit. Ms Johns. is lazy and annoying - and she's always late for class - but if we were late - she'd shout at us) and it was the most fun detention. She told us to go to B11 (Its a room) and we did. She didn't turn up. So me and Nadia chatted on and then when we went looking for her, wondering where she was - we met her halfway down the corridor.
"Your supposed to be in my office girls," She said, confused.
"You said B11," Me and Nadia muttered to eachother.
"Nevermind, you've done your time anyway," Mrs Jhons waved her hands and continued walking. What kind of a detention is that? So sometimes you can take advantage of these situations - I finally got to go home, but you'd expect teachers to care more.
NOTE: Name of teacher has been changed for minor reasons concerning...Oh you get what I mean. READ BELOW: URGENT.
Bye guys! I can't WAIT to post again tomorrow. I'm so happy happy I'm back on blogger! ♥
Also, I'm not getting enough comments. So here, underneath; I want you to write a joke. I'm gonna judge the best joke and you will be mentioned with a little photoshopped award with your blog name on it. Ok? Guys, this isn't one little thing. I NEED comments! Rules: Mild rude humour aloud, but know your limits. Jokes on subjects in this post will be awarded extra marks.
Jokes must not contain racism, sexism, or any kind of offensive nature to any person. And people, try not to make jokes about any poor cute animal dying or anything like that.

Sunday, 24 May 2009
My own blog webshow!
1.) I was employed by Sparkling Falls BAH to be staff in Furc!
2) Drums.......{yay!} I have my own webshow blog!! Its this special programme that You use, and my webshow is LIVE every Saturday 3:50pm Uk Time, and Sunday 6:00m.
I'll send you the link, just comment 'bout it. Since both my brothers are film editor's they're going to design my banner, and I'm gonna have friends round, etc.
The programme is absolutely free, and me and my parents just have to go on a short trip to PC world, and we've got everything!
I saw some other people's live webshows on it, and they're really good! People like Venetian Princess, And other people who are famous for parodies and spoofs all have webshows on it!
Can't wait!
I've already done a photoshoot for my banner and wore my cutest dresses. Yay!
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Ughhhhhhhhhhhaaammmmm. (Dunno what that means. Its supposed to be part of my song that rhymes with argggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhj).
Moving onto another subject;
1. Miss Paton is back, who is our maths teacher and who always does stuff we don't understand - we'd had a real nice supply teacher whilst she was away, and now she's back. Suprisingly, she's giving us easier work than before.
2. Exams start tomorrow (Moannnn).
3. My port on Furcadia has been activated (Yep, Guys. This is the only good news your gonna find in this post)
Also, can't wait 'till Princess Protection Program comes out!!
Short post, I know. I can't be bothered. Gonna settle down and watch friends.
Now I have connected blogger to my mobile so I can text posts into my blog. Will do maybe later when watching friends because I can't be bothered to turn it on.
Friday, 15 May 2009
Whoopeee! Auntie Anna!
1. (2 days ago) Event: I'm a soon-to-be-Auntie!
Guess what! I went round Jay and Ed's new house, (its lovely and so spacious!) and its wonderful. I sat on their hammock (in their garden) telling Ed about my drama disaster (Don' wanna think about it!) with a glass of coke. It was really fun. Anna was there too (Jay's girlfriend, they have been together for about 8 years and I love Anna to bits as she is very kind and sweet).
We chatted and then Ed took me to his recording/music room. It was amazing. There were drums, guitars and keyboards everywhere (some of them belonged to his housemates) and his laptop was connected to the midiplayer (such cool tunes!) which was connected to two speakers. To the side, were those disc thingys you scratch & spin, and loads of records. Pure Ed 'n' Jay. I love them so much, as I look up to them a lot. They are kind, funny, talented (I'm trying not to put this in a boastful way -sorry people) and they're always there for me. Ed let me play around with the keys but he was way way better at it then me, I kept making the electrical equipment sound like hell. Then, when me and Ed came back from inside the house and into the garden - Dad, Anna and Jay had been doing some talking. They told me Anna was pregnant, and I was going to be an Auntie! For a few seconds It didn't hit me and I was like: Huh? And then I was so so happy! I couldn't beleive it! They're going to make such fun parents aww! I congratulated them and gave them big hugs. We then went down to the pub and I had some orange juice whilst the adults had beer (Anna had tea or some kind of safe drink). We laughed and chatted and Ed wound me up saying you can get blue pigs! Don't ask :D
2. (2 days ago) Event: Nan's birthday
Me, mum, and dad drove the long 2 and a half hour journey to Bexhill, Sussex where my Nan and Grandpa live. We had a little trouble with the arrangments, but all turned out well and we arrived and gave Nan a big hug. We watched a bit of T.V whilst our 'birthday feast' was cooking and Nan cheekily opened the box of Lovely Lindt choccies and handed me some. Yumm. Then it was ready, and we all went to the dining room and sat down. It was lovely; there was leaf salad, tomatoes and cucumber slices, kebabs in sweet terake' sauce, steak, chipolatas, aubergenes in basil and raw red pepper, mayonaise toppings and shrimp, and loads more! For desert we had rasberry foule' (how is it spelt) in a cup (lol mum its supposed to be in a bowl). It was great fun and as Grandpa's hobby is painting he gave me a few tips on drawing (I am a budding port artist on an online game called Furcadia. I am using Graphic tablets.)I had a really nice time and so did Nan and we were all sad to leave :(
3. (Tomorrow) Event: Eurovision.
I can't wait! In my family its a big thing and I am allowed to stay up. We all gather round the sofa, hunched up cheering for the ones who we want to win. Sometimes some of the countries' entries are so naff that we end up in peals of laughter. Dad says we'll make it a real treat this year; and Paul (my uncle sort of) will come round and we'll order in. Its a bit difficault - but Helen, (my five year old cousin) might come round too, but...hmm. We're kind of (We are entirely actually) having a problem with that side of the family at the moment, but I won't go into it. Anyways, can't wait to sit their with that lovely Aromatic crispy duck and pancakes and cucumber (and soy sauce) cheering on Russia and Ukraine. No offense to the U.K (I'm here too) but seriously...our entry this year is so stuck-up! I read her interview, pfft! Saying after eurovision she'd like to star in a few movies! Alright honey - why don't you actually win Eurovision first?!
Saturday, 9 May 2009
Brilliant Birmans!

Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Hastings & Happy!
Went round Nancy's house today - it was beautiful. I went with Grace and we drove to Nancy's house, and Carryn and Lara joined us later after rounders to rehearse the play.
Whilst we waited about an hour for Carryn and Lara, me and grace held hands and spun round the garden, dizzy and laughing. It was fun.
Nancy showed us her room (Tracy beaker posters everywhere and every single Jacqueline Wilson book!) and we played around more. Nancy's mum was really nice, and she offered us juice ect whilst we played Piggy in the middle in Nancy's garden, and then Badmington.
When Carryn and Lara arrived we noticed Carryn had caught 'Anna-flu' and was going a little insane, laughing randomly and pulling faces! Also before Lara and Carryn arrived we watched a movie that Nancy and her friend had done, and it was funny - meant to be a horror movie! Though it was scary in some parts - but the blood was ketchup Thank God! We had Spaghetti Bolognese and Grace had another type of pasta as she is Vegetarian, and for desert we had pancakes filled with strawberries and covered in delicious ice cream! Yum! Then we went upstairs and rehearsed some of the play for our Drama assesment, but I must say we didn't get too far! We kept bursting out giggling and having silly cat fights. We also went of the play a bit and did our own rude comedy show! Then we went to the study and Grace locked me in!!! I asked Nancy to help me (Using the comedy rude voice and Roleplaying as my character) and came in and rescued me, pheww! She got her dad's drill out which made Grace and Lara and Carryn finally open the door, and in the process she nearly drilled through my uniform! :) Don't worry, it wasn't really in the position to hurt me! We had lots of fun, and went home at 7:00, well I did anyway; as my dad was a little late, but It was fine because me and Nancy chilled out watching the Simpsons. Grace was really kind and funny, and we invented good games! Lara was hilarious and good at drama and came up with a fantastic witch cackle! And Carryn was just total entertainment, being so hysterical! And Nancy was really great too, and not to mention her jokes, aswell as her character "Carrrrrrlo". I had a fab time, and Another thing...
Me, Carryn, and Nancy are all going To Hastings in the summer hols! We're staying there in the White Rock Hotel for four days, and will sunbathe and relax there! Its gonna be so cool, and Nancy's mum is coming - and she's really nice so she'll be sure to let us have Midnight Feasts and watch movies! I am so excited I am even choosing out what swim bikini I am wearing and what books to pack, even though its nine weeks ahead of me!

Wednesday, 29 April 2009
The Swine is making people Whine
Its exciting, in a way. You know, recently - the T.V series, "Survivors"! It was great - about a disease that spread and killed nearly everyone, apart from a few people. And these people get together and obviously, there's no electricity, no way to cook food, the shops are with no shopkeepers, (They just take the food), and they just have to look after themselves. Its a very clever series actually, And to really understand it you'd have to watch the episodes. Originally they made the series in 1970s or so, but a few months ago they remade it into more modern style.
Rumour has it we'll have to be wearing Gas Maks around soon. Goodness me, I hope this isn't turning into a combination of World War 2 along with the Plague.
Onto another topic, my reading addictions (I am addicted anyway but never this high) is reaching the sky. Reading till midnight last night, reading through Maths when our teacher was moaning and groaning about Factors (Look, seriously! There wasn't any point me paying attention, he could have repeated it one hundred times and I wouldn't understand!) and reading before school, and during English. Dear oh dear. So absorbed, see. So I'm going back to my book with a cup of tea.
Saturday, 25 April 2009
Would you save strangers?
But today, I just thought of something.
Would you save a stranger? There was also a T.V programme about the subject. For example, I remember being told that a teen went to just his local bakery, which was full of people, and he was stabbed by another guy. But no-one, I mean no-one had the courage to even try and help the person. Because they were all to scared. And I was thinking, I know its very hard to pluck up the courage, but really - All it takes for evil to triumph is if good people just do nothing about it. Easily, if all the people in the bakery worked together, they could have Easily taken this one guy down. And if it was like 15 against 1 then guess who would win. And also on the telly there was this case of these two twelve year old girls on the bus, and this big gang of older girls came in and started beating one of them up. Again, everyone just pretended nothing was happening. And the bus driver didn't even tell them to get off! That bus driver seriously shouldn't have even been employed. So. Well, I'm just gonna leave it at that. Yes, it is a bit of a risk to help the person being harassed/beaten up, but life is full of risks. Every time you cross the road you take a risk, and every time you go on an aeroplane you take a risk. Anyways, See you tomorrow when I post another post!

Friday, 24 April 2009
You say, "here goes the money we earn,k?"
EmO gIrL: kk
EmO gIrL: town
You say, "well, some of it anyways"
You say, "town"
[#] Jade Berry: Hey emeraldene, what's up? I've got lots of farming supplies for sale. Just say the name of the item you want to buy.
[#] Seeds: Potatoes (25 gold), Carrots (50 gold), Radishes (50 gold), Corn (75 gold), Tomatoes (75 gold), Pumpkins (75 gold), Blueberries (90 gold), Strawberries (90 gold), Sunflowers (90 gold), Sugar Cane (100 gold), Wheat (100 gold), Apples (250 gold), Grapes (250 gold), Lemons (250 gold), Oranges (250 gold), Kiwis (300 gold), Bananas (300 gold), Coconuts (300 gold)
[#] Tools: Basket, Bucket, Wood, Grass, Soil, Volcanic Soil, Axe, Hose (2500 gold), Well (2500 gold)
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
EmO gIrL: icecubes
EmO gIrL: 25
You say, "Bananas"
[#] Jade Berry: Enjoy your Banana Tree!
[#] Your pocket contains 11293 gold.
EmO gIrL: icecubes
EmO gIrL: 25
You say, "15"
You say, "25"
You say, "town"
(You see emeraldene.)
> I hope you're not Jealous because I can act like a total idiot" in public but people stillHRT me. Do not misunderstand despite my gossipy attitude I am extremely classy and literate, and my hobby is writing [trying to get published] EAT
[#] Pedro: HOLA AMIGO!! Me come from Puerto Rico and me have los animales! You want buy? I make pig babies too, you want pig breed?
[#] Animals: Chicken (800 gold), pig (1000 gold), sheep (1200 gold), brown cow (1500 gold), black cow (1500 gold)
[#] Services: Pig breed (150 gold)
You say, "brown cow"
[#] Pedro: Muchas gracias!! Here your brown cow!
[#] Your pocket contains 9793 gold.
You say, "25"
You say, "floors"
[#] Are you wondering what these tables with paint cans are for? You can use them to choose a colour of a floor or item! It's simple: Walk in front of them, and then move left or right to change the colour, and then get the item/floor in the colour you want!
[#] You see a Post-It™ note stuck to the sign. It reads: The floor tile next to this sign is for selling items in your house! You can copy it like a normal floor and put it wherever you want for easy selling access. Just drop the item you want to sell on it and voila!
You say, "copyf"
You say, "25"
You say, "pastef"
You say, "k, animal room here"
You say, "floors"
You say, "copyf"
You say, "25"
EmO gIrL: now what get
You say, "pastef"
You say, "hmm..anything really. Um, got any suggestions?"
EmO gIrL: uhhh buckets?
You say, "okay yup"
EmO gIrL: town
You say, "I trust you :-) So anything really"
You say, "pastef"
You say, "pastef"
You say, "pastef"
You say, "You say, "I trust you :-) So anything really" "
You say, "pastef"
You say, "walls"
You say, "copyw"
You say, "25"
You say, "pastew"
[#] You have sold your milk for 120 gold.
[#] Your pocket contains 9913 gold.
EmO gIrL: town
You say, "town"
[#] Jade Berry: Hey emeraldene, what's up? I've got lots of farming supplies for sale. Just say the name of the item you want to buy.
[#] Seeds: Potatoes (25 gold), Carrots (50 gold), Radishes (50 gold), Corn (75 gold), Tomatoes (75 gold), Pumpkins (75 gold), Blueberries (90 gold), Strawberries (90 gold), Sunflowers (90 gold), Sugar Cane (100 gold), Wheat (100 gold), Apples (250 gold), Grapes (250 gold), Lemons (250 gold), Oranges (250 gold), Kiwis (300 gold), Bananas (300 gold), Coconuts (300 gold)
[#] Tools: Basket, Bucket, Wood, Grass, Soil, Volcanic Soil, Axe, Hose (2500 gold), Well (2500 gold)
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
You say, "carrots"
[#] Jade Berry: Enjoy your Carrot Seeds!
[#] Your pocket contains 9863 gold.
You say, "10"
You say, "25"
EmO gIrL: now what?
EmO gIrL: now what
You say, "hmm.."
You say, "pitchers"
You say, "and icing"
You say, "I'll get a hose"
You say, "town"
[#] Jade Berry: Hey emeraldene, what's up? I've got lots of farming supplies for sale. Just say the name of the item you want to buy.
[#] Seeds: Potatoes (25 gold), Carrots (50 gold), Radishes (50 gold), Corn (75 gold), Tomatoes (75 gold), Pumpkins (75 gold), Blueberries (90 gold), Strawberries (90 gold), Sunflowers (90 gold), Sugar Cane (100 gold), Wheat (100 gold), Apples (250 gold), Grapes (250 gold), Lemons (250 gold), Oranges (250 gold), Kiwis (300 gold), Bananas (300 gold), Coconuts (300 gold)
[#] Tools: Basket, Bucket, Wood, Grass, Soil, Volcanic Soil, Axe, Hose (2500 gold), Well (2500 gold)
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
[#] Jade Berry: Hey emeraldene, what's up? I've got lots of farming supplies for sale. Just say the name of the item you want to buy.
[#] Seeds: Potatoes (25 gold), Carrots (50 gold), Radishes (50 gold), Corn (75 gold), Tomatoes (75 gold), Pumpkins (75 gold), Blueberries (90 gold), Strawberries (90 gold), Sunflowers (90 gold), Sugar Cane (100 gold), Wheat (100 gold), Apples (250 gold), Grapes (250 gold), Lemons (250 gold), Oranges (250 gold), Kiwis (300 gold), Bananas (300 gold), Coconuts (300 gold)
[#] Tools: Basket, Bucket, Wood, Grass, Soil, Volcanic Soil, Axe, Hose (2500 gold), Well (2500 gold)
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
You say, "hose"
[#] Jade Berry: Enjoy your Hose!
[#] Your pocket contains 7363 gold.
You say, "25"
You say, "town"
[#] Jade Berry: Hey emeraldene, what's up? I've got lots of farming supplies for sale. Just say the name of the item you want to buy.
[#] Seeds: Potatoes (25 gold), Carrots (50 gold), Radishes (50 gold), Corn (75 gold), Tomatoes (75 gold), Pumpkins (75 gold), Blueberries (90 gold), Strawberries (90 gold), Sunflowers (90 gold), Sugar Cane (100 gold), Wheat (100 gold), Apples (250 gold), Grapes (250 gold), Lemons (250 gold), Oranges (250 gold), Kiwis (300 gold), Bananas (300 gold), Coconuts (300 gold)
[#] Tools: Basket, Bucket, Wood, Grass, Soil, Volcanic Soil, Axe, Hose (2500 gold), Well (2500 gold)
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
You say, "strawberries"
[#] Jade Berry: Enjoy your Strawberry Seeds!
[#] Your pocket contains 7273 gold.
You say, "10"
You say, "25"
Sorry, there are no furres around right now with a name starting with foxymamma! -- Beekin the Help Dragon
You say, "town"
[#] Jade Berry: Hey emeraldene, what's up? I've got lots of farming supplies for sale. Just say the name of the item you want to buy.
[#] Seeds: Potatoes (25 gold), Carrots (50 gold), Radishes (50 gold), Corn (75 gold), Tomatoes (75 gold), Pumpkins (75 gold), Blueberries (90 gold), Strawberries (90 gold), Sunflowers (90 gold), Sugar Cane (100 gold), Wheat (100 gold), Apples (250 gold), Grapes (250 gold), Lemons (250 gold), Oranges (250 gold), Kiwis (300 gold), Bananas (300 gold), Coconuts (300 gold)
[#] Tools: Basket, Bucket, Wood, Grass, Soil, Volcanic Soil, Axe, Hose (2500 gold), Well (2500 gold)
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
[#] Jade Berry: Hey emeraldene, what's up? I've got lots of farming supplies for sale. Just say the name of the item you want to buy.
[#] Seeds: Potatoes (25 gold), Carrots (50 gold), Radishes (50 gold), Corn (75 gold), Tomatoes (75 gold), Pumpkins (75 gold), Blueberries (90 gold), Strawberries (90 gold), Sunflowers (90 gold), Sugar Cane (100 gold), Wheat (100 gold), Apples (250 gold), Grapes (250 gold), Lemons (250 gold), Oranges (250 gold), Kiwis (300 gold), Bananas (300 gold), Coconuts (300 gold)
[#] Tools: Basket, Bucket, Wood, Grass, Soil, Volcanic Soil, Axe, Hose (2500 gold), Well (2500 gold)
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
You say, "bluberries"
You say, "blueberries"
[#] Jade Berry: Enjoy your Blueberry Seeds!
[#] Your pocket contains 7183 gold.
You say, "25"
You say, "town"
[#] Jade Berry: Hey emeraldene, what's up? I've got lots of farming supplies for sale. Just say the name of the item you want to buy.
[#] Seeds: Potatoes (25 gold), Carrots (50 gold), Radishes (50 gold), Corn (75 gold), Tomatoes (75 gold), Pumpkins (75 gold), Blueberries (90 gold), Strawberries (90 gold), Sunflowers (90 gold), Sugar Cane (100 gold), Wheat (100 gold), Apples (250 gold), Grapes (250 gold), Lemons (250 gold), Oranges (250 gold), Kiwis (300 gold), Bananas (300 gold), Coconuts (300 gold)
[#] Tools: Basket, Bucket, Wood, Grass, Soil, Volcanic Soil, Axe, Hose (2500 gold), Well (2500 gold)
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
You say, "pumpkins"
[#] Jade Berry: Enjoy your Pumpkin Seeds!
[#] Your pocket contains 7108 gold.
You say, "25"
You say, "emo girl...wake up!!!!!!!"
You say, "town"
[#] Jade Berry: Hey emeraldene, what's up? I've got lots of farming supplies for sale. Just say the name of the item you want to buy.
[#] Seeds: Potatoes (25 gold), Carrots (50 gold), Radishes (50 gold), Corn (75 gold), Tomatoes (75 gold), Pumpkins (75 gold), Blueberries (90 gold), Strawberries (90 gold), Sunflowers (90 gold), Sugar Cane (100 gold), Wheat (100 gold), Apples (250 gold), Grapes (250 gold), Lemons (250 gold), Oranges (250 gold), Kiwis (300 gold), Bananas (300 gold), Coconuts (300 gold)
[#] Tools: Basket, Bucket, Wood, Grass, Soil, Volcanic Soil, Axe, Hose (2500 gold), Well (2500 gold)
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
You say, "carrots"
[#] Jade Berry: Enjoy your Carrot Seeds!
[#] Your pocket contains 7058 gold.
You say, "25"
You say, "town"
[#] Jade Berry: Hey emeraldene, what's up? I've got lots of farming supplies for sale. Just say the name of the item you want to buy.
[#] Seeds: Potatoes (25 gold), Carrots (50 gold), Radishes (50 gold), Corn (75 gold), Tomatoes (75 gold), Pumpkins (75 gold), Blueberries (90 gold), Strawberries (90 gold), Sunflowers (90 gold), Sugar Cane (100 gold), Wheat (100 gold), Apples (250 gold), Grapes (250 gold), Lemons (250 gold), Oranges (250 gold), Kiwis (300 gold), Bananas (300 gold), Coconuts (300 gold)
[#] Tools: Basket, Bucket, Wood, Grass, Soil, Volcanic Soil, Axe, Hose (2500 gold), Well (2500 gold)
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
You say, "tomatoes"
[#] Jade Berry: Enjoy your Tomato Seeds!
[#] Your pocket contains 6983 gold.
You say, "25"
You say, "town"
[#] Jade Berry: Hey emeraldene, what's up? I've got lots of farming supplies for sale. Just say the name of the item you want to buy.
[#] Seeds: Potatoes (25 gold), Carrots (50 gold), Radishes (50 gold), Corn (75 gold), Tomatoes (75 gold), Pumpkins (75 gold), Blueberries (90 gold), Strawberries (90 gold), Sunflowers (90 gold), Sugar Cane (100 gold), Wheat (100 gold), Apples (250 gold), Grapes (250 gold), Lemons (250 gold), Oranges (250 gold), Kiwis (300 gold), Bananas (300 gold), Coconuts (300 gold)
[#] Tools: Basket, Bucket, Wood, Grass, Soil, Volcanic Soil, Axe, Hose (2500 gold), Well (2500 gold)
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
You say, "lemons"
[#] Jade Berry: Enjoy your Lemon Seeds!
[#] Your pocket contains 6733 gold.
You say, "25"
EmO gIrL: g1
EmO gIrL: emerale
EmO gIrL: i has to go for a while
EmO gIrL: sorry
You say, "oooww :-( Ok then "
EmO gIrL: hope i was of help for the little while
EmO gIrL: ill come back later :-)
EmO gIrL: g1
You say, ":-) you were ok"
[#] House 2 sold to Monty Dexing ⌜Treeki⌟
You say, "town"
You say, "cake tin"
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Oui, here is your cake tin!
You say, "25"
(You see emeraldene.)
> I hope you're not Jealous because I can act like a total idiot" in public but people stillHRT me. Do not misunderstand despite my gossipy attitude I am extremely classy and literate, and my hobby is writing [trying to get published] EAT
You say, "town"
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Bonjour, emeraldene. I sell ingredients and tools for cooking. Are you interested in my goods? Just say the name of the item you want.
[#] Tools: stove (100 gold), cookbook, knife, rolling pin, cookie cutters, pitcher, jar, plate, bowl, cake tin, pie tin, baking tray, bread pan, pan.
[#] Ingredients: chocolate, flour, cheese, meat, icing, icecubes, icecream cone, butter.
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
You say, "icing"
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Oui, here is your icing!
You say, "10"
You say, "25"
1963 total players online. Uptime 3 days 1:40
Dream Standard: T+ Environment
Current players: :-)cole:-P, :-Dcole;-), 435243, Aaliyah|Elsie|Rosenthal, Abysmal, Afnanza, Akila|Kesi, Asian, Bankai, Billie, Chiyeko, Cypress|Homes, Desert|Rose, Disconnection, Dooda, DragonX, Edward|M.|Cullen, emeraldene, EmO|gIrL, Evil|Toxic, Hokage, iBillie, Ishigaki, i|rule|the|world|and|you|dont|=P, Jaysie, Just|Another|Furre, Lizzy, Lolly|Pops, Monty|Dexing, Mutilation, oOCyber|PunkOo, punkgirl161, Rhexi, Scylla|kitty, Shane, Shujouteki, Sindy, Slee, Sqilly, The|Tiger|Drinking|Water, Treaty, Treeki
42 players in the dream of Cypress|Homes .
Max players this session: 3635
Max players today: 2763
[#] You have made a vanilla cake!
You say, "town"
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Bonjour, emeraldene. I sell ingredients and tools for cooking. Are you interested in my goods? Just say the name of the item you want.
[#] Tools: stove (100 gold), cookbook, knife, rolling pin, cookie cutters, pitcher, jar, plate, bowl, cake tin, pie tin, baking tray, bread pan, pan.
[#] Ingredients: chocolate, flour, cheese, meat, icing, icecubes, icecream cone, butter.
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
You say, "chocolate"
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Oui, here is your chocolate!
You say, "25"
You say, "town"
You say, "cake tin"
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Oui, here is your cake tin!
You say, "25"
You say, "hi :-)"
EmO gIrL: a little longer till i go :-)
You say, ":-D yayy"
EmO gIrL: ill make cakes and stuff
EmO gIrL: town
You say, "town"
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Bonjour, emeraldene. I sell ingredients and tools for cooking. Are you interested in my goods? Just say the name of the item you want.
[#] Tools: stove (100 gold), cookbook, knife, rolling pin, cookie cutters, pitcher, jar, plate, bowl, cake tin, pie tin, baking tray, bread pan, pan.
[#] Ingredients: chocolate, flour, cheese, meat, icing, icecubes, icecream cone, butter.
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
You say, "icing"
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Oui, here is your icing!
EmO gIrL: chocolate
EmO gIrL: 25
You say, "25"
EmO gIrL: town
[#] You have made a chocolate cake!
You say, "all ready food for sale goes here k?"
EmO gIrL: 25
EmO gIrL: 25
EmO gIrL: 25
EmO gIrL: town
EmO gIrL: tow
EmO gIrL: town
EmO gIrL: town
EmO gIrL: town
You say, "town"
You say, "icing"
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Oui, here is your icing!
You say, "10"
You say, "25"
EmO gIrL: town
[#] You have made a carrot cake!
You say, "town"
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Bonjour, emeraldene. I sell ingredients and tools for cooking. Are you interested in my goods? Just say the name of the item you want.
[#] Tools: stove (100 gold), cookbook, knife, rolling pin, cookie cutters, pitcher, jar, plate, bowl, cake tin, pie tin, baking tray, bread pan, pan.
[#] Ingredients: chocolate, flour, cheese, meat, icing, icecubes, icecream cone, butter.
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
You say, "icecream cone"
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Oui, here is your icecream cone!
You say, "25"
EmO gIrL: town
You say, "town"
[#] Jade Berry: Hey emeraldene, what's up? I've got lots of farming supplies for sale. Just say the name of the item you want to buy.
[#] Seeds: Potatoes (25 gold), Carrots (50 gold), Radishes (50 gold), Corn (75 gold), Tomatoes (75 gold), Pumpkins (75 gold), Blueberries (90 gold), Strawberries (90 gold), Sunflowers (90 gold), Sugar Cane (100 gold), Wheat (100 gold), Apples (250 gold), Grapes (250 gold), Lemons (250 gold), Oranges (250 gold), Kiwis (300 gold), Bananas (300 gold), Coconuts (300 gold)
[#] Tools: Basket, Bucket, Wood, Grass, Soil, Volcanic Soil, Axe, Hose (2500 gold), Well (2500 gold)
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
[#] Jade Berry: Hey emeraldene, what's up? I've got lots of farming supplies for sale. Just say the name of the item you want to buy.
[#] Seeds: Potatoes (25 gold), Carrots (50 gold), Radishes (50 gold), Corn (75 gold), Tomatoes (75 gold), Pumpkins (75 gold), Blueberries (90 gold), Strawberries (90 gold), Sunflowers (90 gold), Sugar Cane (100 gold), Wheat (100 gold), Apples (250 gold), Grapes (250 gold), Lemons (250 gold), Oranges (250 gold), Kiwis (300 gold), Bananas (300 gold), Coconuts (300 gold)
[#] Tools: Basket, Bucket, Wood, Grass, Soil, Volcanic Soil, Axe, Hose (2500 gold), Well (2500 gold)
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
You say, "sugarcane"
EmO gIrL: baking tray
EmO gIrL: 25
You say, "sugar cane"
[#] Jade Berry: Enjoy your Sugar Cane Seeds!
[#] Your pocket contains 6633 gold.
You say, "25"
EmO gIrL: can
EmO gIrL: i use this
EmO gIrL: stuff
You say, "of course"
You say, "town"
EmO gIrL: flour
EmO gIrL: 25
EmO gIrL: pie tin
EmO gIrL: 25
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Bonjour, emeraldene. I sell ingredients and tools for cooking. Are you interested in my goods? Just say the name of the item you want.
[#] Tools: stove (100 gold), cookbook, knife, rolling pin, cookie cutters, pitcher, jar, plate, bowl, cake tin, pie tin, baking tray, bread pan, pan.
[#] Ingredients: chocolate, flour, cheese, meat, icing, icecubes, icecream cone, butter.
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
You say, "bowl"
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Oui, here is your bowl!
EmO gIrL: knife
EmO gIrL: 25
You say, "25"
[#] You have sold your milk for 120 gold.
[#] Your pocket contains 6753 gold.
You say, "town"
[#] Jade Berry: Hey emeraldene, what's up? I've got lots of farming supplies for sale. Just say the name of the item you want to buy.
[#] Seeds: Potatoes (25 gold), Carrots (50 gold), Radishes (50 gold), Corn (75 gold), Tomatoes (75 gold), Pumpkins (75 gold), Blueberries (90 gold), Strawberries (90 gold), Sunflowers (90 gold), Sugar Cane (100 gold), Wheat (100 gold), Apples (250 gold), Grapes (250 gold), Lemons (250 gold), Oranges (250 gold), Kiwis (300 gold), Bananas (300 gold), Coconuts (300 gold)
[#] Tools: Basket, Bucket, Wood, Grass, Soil, Volcanic Soil, Axe, Hose (2500 gold), Well (2500 gold)
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
EmO gIrL: flour
EmO gIrL: 25
You say, "basket"
[#] Jade Berry: Enjoy your Basket! Use it to pick fruits.
You say, "25"
You say, "hey"
EmO gIrL: 25
EmO gIrL: town
You say, "how do you manage to cook so quick"
EmO gIrL: town
EmO gIrL: town
You say, "all the fruit baskets go here"
You say, "benches"
(You see emeraldene.)
> I hope you're not Jealous because I can act like a total idiot" in public but people stillHRT me. Do not misunderstand despite my gossipy attitude I am extremely classy and literate, and my hobby is writing [trying to get published] EAT
(You see Monty Dexing.)
> You see a dazzling blue little creature.. He has shining blue eyes with blood red feet, The scent of a Bear and the speed of a Tiger.
You say, "25"
EmO gIrL: town
EmO gIrL: emerald
[#] You have sold your milk for 120 gold.
[#] Your pocket contains 6873 gold.
EmO gIrL: i have to go now
EmO gIrL: hope i made lots in the extra 5 mins i was here :-)
You say, ":-( awww ok then :-)"
EmO gIrL: ill come back later
You say, "It did :-)"
EmO gIrL: g1
[#] You have a master key to house 25.
[#] Your pocket contains 6873 gold.
You say, "town"
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Bonjour, emeraldene. I sell ingredients and tools for cooking. Are you interested in my goods? Just say the name of the item you want.
[#] Tools: stove (100 gold), cookbook, knife, rolling pin, cookie cutters, pitcher, jar, plate, bowl, cake tin, pie tin, baking tray, bread pan, pan.
[#] Ingredients: chocolate, flour, cheese, meat, icing, icecubes, icecream cone, butter.
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Bonjour, emeraldene. I sell ingredients and tools for cooking. Are you interested in my goods? Just say the name of the item you want.
[#] Tools: stove (100 gold), cookbook, knife, rolling pin, cookie cutters, pitcher, jar, plate, bowl, cake tin, pie tin, baking tray, bread pan, pan.
[#] Ingredients: chocolate, flour, cheese, meat, icing, icecubes, icecream cone, butter.
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
You say, "chocolate"
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Oui, here is your chocolate!
You say, "25"
You say, "25"
You say, "25"
[#] House 25: emeraldene's house, bought at 24 Apr - 10:16 AM FST
[#] House 25: emeraldene's house, bought at 24 Apr - 10:16 AM FST
[#] You have sold your milk for 120 gold.
[#] Your pocket contains 6993 gold.
[#] You have made strawberry icecream!
You say, "town"
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Bonjour, emeraldene. I sell ingredients and tools for cooking. Are you interested in my goods? Just say the name of the item you want.
[#] Tools: stove (100 gold), cookbook, knife, rolling pin, cookie cutters, pitcher, jar, plate, bowl, cake tin, pie tin, baking tray, bread pan, pan.
[#] Ingredients: chocolate, flour, cheese, meat, icing, icecubes, icecream cone, butter.
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
You say, "bowl"
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Oui, here is your bowl!
You say, "25"
You say, "town"
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Bonjour, emeraldene. I sell ingredients and tools for cooking. Are you interested in my goods? Just say the name of the item you want.
[#] Tools: stove (100 gold), cookbook, knife, rolling pin, cookie cutters, pitcher, jar, plate, bowl, cake tin, pie tin, baking tray, bread pan, pan.
[#] Ingredients: chocolate, flour, cheese, meat, icing, icecubes, icecream cone, butter.
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
You say, "icecream cone"
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Oui, here is your icecream cone!
You say, "25"
You say, "25"
You say, "25"
You say, "25"
[#] You have made vanilla icecream!
You say, "town"
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Bonjour, emeraldene. I sell ingredients and tools for cooking. Are you interested in my goods? Just say the name of the item you want.
[#] Tools: stove (100 gold), cookbook, knife, rolling pin, cookie cutters, pitcher, jar, plate, bowl, cake tin, pie tin, baking tray, bread pan, pan.
[#] Ingredients: chocolate, flour, cheese, meat, icing, icecubes, icecream cone, butter.
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
You say, "bowl"
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Oui, here is your bowl!
You say, "25"
You say, "town"
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Bonjour, emeraldene. I sell ingredients and tools for cooking. Are you interested in my goods? Just say the name of the item you want.
[#] Tools: stove (100 gold), cookbook, knife, rolling pin, cookie cutters, pitcher, jar, plate, bowl, cake tin, pie tin, baking tray, bread pan, pan.
[#] Ingredients: chocolate, flour, cheese, meat, icing, icecubes, icecream cone, butter.
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Bonjour, emeraldene. I sell ingredients and tools for cooking. Are you interested in my goods? Just say the name of the item you want.
[#] Tools: stove (100 gold), cookbook, knife, rolling pin, cookie cutters, pitcher, jar, plate, bowl, cake tin, pie tin, baking tray, bread pan, pan.
[#] Ingredients: chocolate, flour, cheese, meat, icing, icecubes, icecream cone, butter.
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
You say, "meat"
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Oui, here is your meat!
You say, "25"
You say, "town"
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Bonjour, emeraldene. I sell ingredients and tools for cooking. Are you interested in my goods? Just say the name of the item you want.
[#] Tools: stove (100 gold), cookbook, knife, rolling pin, cookie cutters, pitcher, jar, plate, bowl, cake tin, pie tin, baking tray, bread pan, pan.
[#] Ingredients: chocolate, flour, cheese, meat, icing, icecubes, icecream cone, butter.
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
You say, "cheese"
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Oui, here is your cheese!
You say, "25"
[#] House 25: emeraldene's house, bought at 24 Apr - 10:16 AM FST
[#] House 25: emeraldene's house, bought at 24 Apr - 10:16 AM FST
You say, "town"
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Bonjour, emeraldene. I sell ingredients and tools for cooking. Are you interested in my goods? Just say the name of the item you want.
[#] Tools: stove (100 gold), cookbook, knife, rolling pin, cookie cutters, pitcher, jar, plate, bowl, cake tin, pie tin, baking tray, bread pan, pan.
[#] Ingredients: chocolate, flour, cheese, meat, icing, icecubes, icecream cone, butter.
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
You say, "rolling pin"
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Oui, here is your rolling pin!
You say, "25"
You say, "town"
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Bonjour, emeraldene. I sell ingredients and tools for cooking. Are you interested in my goods? Just say the name of the item you want.
[#] Tools: stove (100 gold), cookbook, knife, rolling pin, cookie cutters, pitcher, jar, plate, bowl, cake tin, pie tin, baking tray, bread pan, pan.
[#] Ingredients: chocolate, flour, cheese, meat, icing, icecubes, icecream cone, butter.
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
You say, "bowl"
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Oui, here is your bowl!
You say, "25"
You say, "town"
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Bonjour, emeraldene. I sell ingredients and tools for cooking. Are you interested in my goods? Just say the name of the item you want.
[#] Tools: stove (100 gold), cookbook, knife, rolling pin, cookie cutters, pitcher, jar, plate, bowl, cake tin, pie tin, baking tray, bread pan, pan.
[#] Ingredients: chocolate, flour, cheese, meat, icing, icecubes, icecream cone, butter.
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Bonjour, emeraldene. I sell ingredients and tools for cooking. Are you interested in my goods? Just say the name of the item you want.
[#] Tools: stove (100 gold), cookbook, knife, rolling pin, cookie cutters, pitcher, jar, plate, bowl, cake tin, pie tin, baking tray, bread pan, pan.
[#] Ingredients: chocolate, flour, cheese, meat, icing, icecubes, icecream cone, butter.
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
You say, "bowl"
[#] Henry W. G. Francis: Oui, here is your bowl!
You say, "25"
[#] You have cooked a pizza!
[#] You have sold your milk for 120 gold.
[#] Your pocket contains 7113 gold.
You say, "town"
[#] Jade Berry: Hey emeraldene, what's up? I've got lots of farming supplies for sale. Just say the name of the item you want to buy.
[#] Seeds: Potatoes (25 gold), Carrots (50 gold), Radishes (50 gold), Corn (75 gold), Tomatoes (75 gold), Pumpkins (75 gold), Blueberries (90 gold), Strawberries (90 gold), Sunflowers (90 gold), Sugar Cane (100 gold), Wheat (100 gold), Apples (250 gold), Grapes (250 gold), Lemons (250 gold), Oranges (250 gold), Kiwis (300 gold), Bananas (300 gold), Coconuts (300 gold)
[#] Tools: Basket, Bucket, Wood, Grass, Soil, Volcanic Soil, Axe, Hose (2500 gold), Well (2500 gold)
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
[#] Jade Berry: Hey emeraldene, what's up? I've got lots of farming supplies for sale. Just say the name of the item you want to buy.
[#] Seeds: Potatoes (25 gold), Carrots (50 gold), Radishes (50 gold), Corn (75 gold), Tomatoes (75 gold), Pumpkins (75 gold), Blueberries (90 gold), Strawberries (90 gold), Sunflowers (90 gold), Sugar Cane (100 gold), Wheat (100 gold), Apples (250 gold), Grapes (250 gold), Lemons (250 gold), Oranges (250 gold), Kiwis (300 gold), Bananas (300 gold), Coconuts (300 gold)
[#] Tools: Basket, Bucket, Wood, Grass, Soil, Volcanic Soil, Axe, Hose (2500 gold), Well (2500 gold)
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
You say, "kiwis"
[#] Jade Berry: Enjoy your Kiwi Seeds!
[#] Your pocket contains 6813 gold.
You say, "25"
You say, "town"
[#] Jade Berry: Hey emeraldene, what's up? I've got lots of farming supplies for sale. Just say the name of the item you want to buy.
[#] Seeds: Potatoes (25 gold), Carrots (50 gold), Radishes (50 gold), Corn (75 gold), Tomatoes (75 gold), Pumpkins (75 gold), Blueberries (90 gold), Strawberries (90 gold), Sunflowers (90 gold), Sugar Cane (100 gold), Wheat (100 gold), Apples (250 gold), Grapes (250 gold), Lemons (250 gold), Oranges (250 gold), Kiwis (300 gold), Bananas (300 gold), Coconuts (300 gold)
[#] Tools: Basket, Bucket, Wood, Grass, Soil, Volcanic Soil, Axe, Hose (2500 gold), Well (2500 gold)
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
[#] Jade Berry: Hey emeraldene, what's up? I've got lots of farming supplies for sale. Just say the name of the item you want to buy.
[#] Seeds: Potatoes (25 gold), Carrots (50 gold), Radishes (50 gold), Corn (75 gold), Tomatoes (75 gold), Pumpkins (75 gold), Blueberries (90 gold), Strawberries (90 gold), Sunflowers (90 gold), Sugar Cane (100 gold), Wheat (100 gold), Apples (250 gold), Grapes (250 gold), Lemons (250 gold), Oranges (250 gold), Kiwis (300 gold), Bananas (300 gold), Coconuts (300 gold)
[#] Tools: Basket, Bucket, Wood, Grass, Soil, Volcanic Soil, Axe, Hose (2500 gold), Well (2500 gold)
[#] If it doesn't have a price, it's free!
You say, "volcanic soil"
[#] Jade Berry: Enjoy your Volcanic Soil! Use it while on top of grass floors to get volcanic soil.
You say, "25"
You say, "town"
[#] Jade Berry: Hey emeraldene, what's up? I've got lots of farming supplies
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Finally back in my own little world.

Wednesday, 22 April 2009
The attack of the Chavs!

People I call you in this distressed time of war, this is your Prime Minister Wowness Speaking. Today, at 9:30 am this morning, it is official that Britain is being invaded by Chavs.
Monday, 13 April 2009
Disney Days!
Got back from Paris yesterday evening. Boy, the amount of fun I had in those three days is unexplainable to put in words. I had the time of my life!!! I have been to France many times, - the Loire valley, Callet (I can't spell), boulounge, and loads more, but not in actual Paris. Although we were going to Disney, we were staying in the most a beautiful, cosy little village called Beynes, with my dad's mate and his wife, Carol. They had five adorable cats! I grew such a great relationship with them - every night my fans of the lot - Angel and Bart, would come and sit on my bed. When each day we would come back from Disney to spend the late evening and have dinner at Stenka and Carol's place, I would play with them and make them chase the featherstick. They never got tired! I was their personal trainer! I miss Angel and Bart and Bianca.I cried when I left them! The other cats were Volga and Alec, but Angel, Bart and Bianca I knew better. And weren't me and dad fed like kings and queens at Carol's and Stenka's!! We had four courses every dinner! First day a plate of snails and lettuce (Snails were with fried garlic which we dipped in bread), and I forgot the meat we had for main, and then a platter of varied french cheese, and desert with creamy cheese and lovely fresh rasberries and blueberries, and second day frogs legs, goats cheese on toast surrounded by things I can't remember, cheese platter again, and lovely desert. Third day we had seafood,and starters were oysters. And second was a platter of a huge selection of seafood - and I have eat crab many times before, but never that much of a selection. Stenka taught us how exactly to eat the body, legs and arms of a crab, and exactly how to separate them and get the meat out. I already knew the basics but I never knew there was that much to it. And followed by more courses. I really love Angel and Bart and cute!! The breed is Sacre de Birmanie - and when we move house we will either (I have made an agreement with dad) a Sacre De Birmanie or a Siberian! But we will get a tracker as the cat I used to have got lost :( Disneyland was so great I just cannot put it into words - so we filmed the best parts of our two days in Disney into a thirty minute movie, which we showed mum when we arrived back in the U.K. I bought many souveniers, and I met Minnie mouse, and she hugged me (awww!) and signed my Disney autograph, and we bought the photo of me and her hugging which we shall frame soon. On the day of my birthday, staff at Disney gave me a special badge so the character's would make a special effort to wave and stuff, and I was put onto the phone to 'Mickey' who wished me a happy birthday (It was a recorded message laugh laugh) But when Mary Poppins was parading, I was at the front, and she saw my badge and smiled and waved. Was it me she was waving at? A few minutes later, her and the guy..who did he play again? - Waved at me frantically smiling and looking directly at me. I was very happy indeed - Mary Poppins waved at me and smiled, and I'm glad she did - It was a nice treat! I also met the duck..Duffy I think. We filmed all of it as I said, and it was so awesome. We went on loads of the rides; Its a small world, Pirates of the Carribean, Buzz's lightyear Laser blast, Disney Railroad, Les Mysteres du Nautilus, Dumbo the flying Elephant, Les voyages de Pinoccio, Phantom Manor, Studio Tramtour: Behind the magic, Star Tours, Mad Hatter's teacups, Le carrousel de Lancalot. The first day, when we arrived, we spent in a town called Versailles. (Pro.Ver-si: pro.i as if saying [I] went to the shop) and I dragged dad all around the shops, looking for outfits. Fussy me, all that contented me was a lovely bracelet which I purchased. Also, I am moving to France in future years. My parents have wanted to live in France for a long time. We came very close to it twice. Once was a few years ago, and we explored properties - but then just so close my parents thought it best to leave it until they were completely ready to move house. But when we do, I shall make sure we live very close to Beynes, so we can visit Stenka and Carol, not to mention dear Angel, Bianca and Bart!! Along with Volga and Alec of course. And its a lovely village - there is a market with fresh fish and crab and all sorts every Sunday, and a shop which sells great wine for dad for only 3 euro! And the bread..its heavenly. So fresh. And when I bit into my toast this morning, back in the UK, I almost spat it out on the floor because I wanted French bread instead. For my birthday Carol very kindly got a bottle of Disney Princess perfume for me, and a chocolate bunny. And also, Carol makes jewellery for a hobby. It looks even better than ones you can buy in shops - and she also uses it to decorate rooms - the room I stayed
in her house was completely accessorized by her - It looked perfect! So she made me the most beautiful bracelet for my birthday - its lovely! Here are some ph
otos of the holiday. I'll try and upload my movie to youtube, by the way.
Me cuddling Bart ♥
Me giving (Duffy?) duck a hug.
Me playing Featherstick with Angel!♥
Note: We have 24 photos uploaded of my holiday..but sorry - I can't possibly put them all on my blog! I had such a great time I can't put it in words!

Tuesday, 7 April 2009
Family History, Little Britain, and Uplifting meetings.
We went down to Sydenam Hill, where my brother Eddie (one of my half-brothers, age 26) had previously moved out, and had to collect some stuff of Jo's (His girlfriend who he just broke up with) to return it to her friend. So anyway, me and dad decided to drop in and have a chat, as we hadn't seen Ed for a month or so. We'd been up Sydenham hill this morning aswell, when Grandpa was there, because Grandpa is selling it (Its originally his house but when my brother's couldn't afford a house they lived in his house in Sydenham, and Grandpa obviously lived with Grandma in the house they're in most of the time, by the seaside) (btw, my bros just moved out and bought a lovely place with two other guys and their friends and they love it, and its gorgeous!) So anyway, As I was saying, I met a lot of strange people today. Partly because we had to go past Penge. Ugh. So many chavs, a really rough area. But the funny thing is : I met three Little Britain lookalikes today. 1. The Estate Angent that came in the morning to Grandpa. Oh, my, gosh. I wanted to burst out laughing. She was chubby, lots of nail polish...I can't even explain it. She looked and even talked exactly like the woman from Fatfighters!!!
Second look-a-like. I'm not sure she's alive. I hope she is. We were driving to Sydenham, and we see this blue car in front of us. This fat woman pops her head out of the window. She is having a Cigarette and is driving incredibly dangerously in curves. She looks like she's going to crash. Dad and me peer through our car window, she's in front of us. I look closely.
"She's Drunk!!" I realized, telling dad.
"Dear oh dear, she is, driving a car, drunk, and smoking!" Dad agreed as she swerved in and out of the road. It was obvious she was going to crash. We saw her disappear down an other road, and we don't know what happened to her. But she looks exactly like...Vicky Pollard! And the sort of thing she would do too! Look-a-like three was Andy. I'm not being mean to people in Wheelchairs but someone did come along in a Wheelchair and his face and hair was identical!!
Moving on, So we arrived at Sydenham Hill. Across the road, is the Dulwhich Wood House, in case any of you bloggers don't know. So, we had to wait for twenty minutes before Ed arrived, and we had forgot the keys to the house. Dear Eddy. Ed is always late wherever he goes, never on time :D Finally, after many songs on the radio and singing along, he arrived. I got out of the car to hug him. "Eddy!" I said in delight. We went inside the house. We chatted happily for a bit. Now, a project I have been doing recently is A Family History Tree. Its not for school, or anything. But for me. I'm interested in this sort of thing. In the house at Sydenham, quite a lot of the Moss family lived there. The drawers were packed with old black-and-white Victorian Photos, and old newspaper cuttings and old passports and ornaments that belonged to great-grandfathers or my other grandpa I hadn't met but I heard he was a lovely, lovely person.
After chatting a bit, whilst Ed and Dad loaded the car with Jo's stuff, I went upstairs where the study was, (It wasn't pens and stuff, really, It was more memories and photos) and discovered the place and date of Birth of my Great-Grandmother (I did meet her, lots, she was very kind, but sadly she died one week before her hundreth birthday) and her brother, whom I never knew, James Poxton, and his date of birth and place of birth. She also had eight other siblings, my great Nan. And from Grandpa I found his Grandma's and Grandpa's names, and other bits and peices for my project. So far, I'm doing quite well, but want I can't figure is where Emily (I won't tell you my last name) fits in. About two years ago, my Great-Aunt/Kind of Grandmother (died recently (sob)'s son did a family tree (he's an adult, btw) and he traced back so long. Really, Really long, until the begining of the Victorian Times, I dunno, but the page was full of about three hundred and eighty names. Maybe more. But when I was eight, and I looked at this, I only saw one name, that I dunno. Emily (my last name) . I just felt..there was something about her I needed to find out. It just stuck out, maybe there was something about her that would be really interesting to figure out? But she was an ancestor long, long ago, so first I have to trace her great-great-great-great grandchildren, but I know she's from my dad's side, fitting in in some relation between my grandma, or grandpa. After I had searched lots of photos, Ed called me downstairs. We went to The Dulwhich Wood House (A very nice pub) and asked if I was allowed in, they said yes, as long as I don't drink. I laughed. Then the funny lady serving Dad's beer and Ed's beer and my lemonade said maybe I could Have a Vodka. I laughed once again. We sat down at a table, eating chive and cheese crisps, and having beer, in my case Lemonade. We chatted a lot, and its so uplifting when we go see Ed or James. Ed talked about work, he's roommates, and his new girlfriend, Fiona. Fiona's parents are quite well off and they're scottish and they live on basically a castle on water in Scotland. Its Fiona's mum's birthday soon, and Ed's got to hire a Tuxido to wear to the party! Hehee. I hear Fiona is really nice, and I will probably meet her soon. Ed told me all about his crazy roommates, and we moved onto the topic of crazy friends, and how he had a friend that jumped off stairs for a hobby and once set his jumper on fire to see what would happen!!! Laugh. After all that chatting, it was getting very late, so we went back home and said our goodbyes to Eddy. I love it when we have mini-gatherings like that, it is uplifting. And today, I've got to begin packing for Paris.

Monday, 6 April 2009
Finally pheww.
Recently, I have been feeling pretty stressy. For no apparent reason, and its really weird. But the good thing is...Its Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream 30th Anniversairy! Ahhh...I love the Cookie dough one, and would you beleive - how neat is this? They made a Ben and Jerry's tub of lip balm - with cookie dough and choc chip flavours and all! Its in this really teeny tiny pot and is available in a few shops. Can I also mention, that I really think that a true writer writes everything they feel, straight from the heart. And there are many people that do this, but I think I am going to mention Robyn's blog. Robyn has wrote everything she feels, and put it into the funniest and chattiest way, accessorizing it with her modesty that she thinks her blog is rubbish. I think it is absolutely wonderful and I admire her blog truly as I wish I could write so freely out of my mind, but I cannot put my feelings and thoughts into words, something which she can. Well done Robyn! . Now, moving on....I did a hilariously cheeky thing the other day. So I was applying for a job as an Advanced English teacher in Brookesides Academy...they declined my app. The owner was an obnoxious fifteen year old punk who had probably never read literature in his life. So, I made an alt and used another email adress. I did an app for biology teacher, and changed my style. I think to be an author, you have to be convincing, and be able to put yourself in somebody else's shoes and build up an imaginary character. And guess what! My app for biology got accepted! yay!
